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LETTERS for August 20 issue

By Staff | Aug 20, 2009


I would like to express my gratitude to those who took time off from work and family to attend the Maui Planning Commission’s Maui Island Plan meeting at Lahaina Civic Center. However, I am once again disappointed by the Planning Commission’s lack of planning regarding community involvement.  

This meeting was not announced in the Lahaina News at all, and did not appear in The Maui News until the Sunday edition. A Sunday announcement for a meeting on a Tuesday is not enough notice, and 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon on the second day of school adds still further insult to the injury.

Correct me if I am wrong, but to replace agriculture in West Maui is a decision that will drastically change the lives of everyone who lives, works or plays in West Maui. Furthermore, it is my impression that the man on the street does not fully understand the impact of what he is signing off on by not attending.

As a member of the West Maui community, I would like to set up another meeting. Not one organized by the Planning Commission or special interests, but one organized by the residents and for the residents who will be affected most. This will be a meeting to formulate a plan for the next step in this process: the County Council’s deliberations on the proposed Maui Island Plan. If you would like to be involved, call me at 385-1649 or e-mail votemaui@hotmail.com.

If you feel that you are being bypassed, you are not alone.

RAMON K. MADDEN, Honokowai


What a great time we had at the “Lahaina Plantation Days.” We did the horse riding, fed the three-legged goat, had shave ice, saw Jan and the gang from the yacht club, chatted to Miss Esther and the gals from Holy Innocents, and did the games at the keiki zone. A round of applause for Toni Johnson and the volunteers from the Realtors Association of Maui. As one realtor put it, her back was aching so much from having to bend down and pick up the bean bags, but she didn’t mind — she was called “Tutu” so many times by the kids, it was fun.

We checked out the Plantation Days tent — it was fascinating. I love old photos, read up on the history and looked at the site plans of the plantation villages (some last names I recognize). We looked at some of the old artifacts that had been donated and remembered what it was like before television, washing machines and the computer.  

Then it was time to eat — what a selection! We had a hard time choosing! The buzz was about the ahi poke, ribs, spring rolls, and of course, the dynamite! We were there Friday and missed out on Liberty Restaurant’s fry soup, but I heard the line on Saturday night was almost out to the Shell station — maybe some exaggeration, but hey!

We headed for the music, found a seat and tucked in! Next it was over to the Tongan Church to check out the coconut and machete action, then back over for pineapple jerky and an ice cream. Next, we had our face painted.

Then it was over to the picture screen showing old pictures of Lahaina Town. Wow! There’s Mrs. Yamamoto, my old landlady. I got to talking to the lady standing next to me, and we shared some stories. We parted ways with a “See you in town.”

We stayed ’til closing time, not wanting the night to end, watching the old-timers (forgive me) as they greeted each other. We wondered about their family history and how it is connected to this little town out in the Pacific. And now, how their family has grown and makes history as we speak.

The smokestack was majestic lit up against the dark, balmy Lahaina night. Sure, we were filthy by the end of it, but it’s Plantation Days… right?! Looking forward to next year. Thanks to Theo Morrison and all the volunteers.



Maui County Councilman Wayne Nishiki’s egregious upside down display of the state flag at government meetings violates the Hawaii State Flag Desecration Law 711-1107: “A person commits the offense of desecration if the person intentionally desecrates any public monument or structure; or a place of worship or burial; or in a public place the national flag or any other object of veneration by a substantial segment of the public. ‘Desecrate’ means defacing, damaging, polluting, or otherwise physically mistreating in a way that the defendant knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the defendant’s action. Any person convicted of committing the offense of desecration shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than one year, a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.”

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hawaii Statehood, I’d like to congratulate Councilman Nishiki for his unpatriotic, anti-American desecration of the state flag and for violating the oath of office he swore to uphold.



A big MAHALO from Theatre Theatre Maui (TTM) to our sponsors, supporters, production team, students and their families involved with this summer’s performing arts program.  In five weeks, 47 students ranging in age from eight to 17 attended theatre camp, rehearsed and presented four performances of “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr.” in Kaanapali, and we could not have done it without the awesome support of our community.

We thank the County of Maui for supporting our West Maui programming through their Community Partnership Grant funding, which helps provide for quality performing arts instruction. To our summer production team of Ashlie Welte, Vania Jerome, Lauren Olsen, Dan Rib, Aly Cardinalli and Genie Calagna, we thank you for your artistic energies to provide a positive summer experience.

Huge thanks to Principal Mike Nakano of Lahainaluna High School for use of facilities for our camp; Craig Anderson and The Westin Maui Resort and Spa for generous support and providing week-long use of the Haleakala Ballroom, which was transformed to become our theatre; and to Lisa Donlon with Whalers Village for the best parking rates.

Many thanks to Trinity Property Consultants for our office space at 505 Front Street Shops; Art Ortiz and Lahaina’s Outback Steakhouse for sponsoring T-shirts; and to the following businesses for their heavily discounted or loaned supplies: Envisions Entertainment, Epic Lighting, Lahaina Music, Lowe’s, Maui Academy of Performing Arts (MAPA), U-Haul, Aloha Self Storage, Village Audio, the Water Store and to the many other members of our community for their financial or in-kind support of live theatre. We also thank the Lahaina News, Maui News, Maui Family Magazine, Maui Time and Pacific Radio Group for communicating our information with their media audiences. We applaud such fabulous community support to help keep alive TTM’s mission of bringing the theatrical arts experience to the youth and adults of West Maui.

To each student and their ‘ohana, we thank you for joining us, and volunteering your time and energy. And to our supportive audiences, a hui hou!

LOUISA SHELTON, Executive Director, Theatre Theatre Maui


America suffers. In our hearts, we know something is very wrong. We are afraid for our country, our future, our families, and our values as a people. One could almost believe that the agonies our nation now suffers are the result of deliberate plans crafted to destroy our republic and founding principles.

America’s most vexing political and social problems are the direct result of constitutional violations brought about by our very own government.

Finally, there is hope. This November, publicly elected citizen delegates representing the people of each state will convene at a national assembly known as Continental Congress 2009. The purpose of this historic event is to formally document the violations and develop strategies the people can employ to peacefully resist tyranny and restore Constitutional order.

Are you a patriot? Volunteers are needed statewide. We need your help promoting Continental Congress 2009, nominating citizen delegates to represent Hawaii, establishing polling locations and volunteering at elections. Volunteer and find additional information at www.GiveMeLiberty.org.

America will continue to suffer as long as We The People neglect our duty to hold this servant government accountable.

DARREN HAWK, Hawaii State Coordinator, We the People Congress


Notice this? During Bush’s Iraq War (of choice), Republicans said “Support the President,” while Democrats asked, “How do we pay for this?”

Now, during Obama’s recovery (of necessity), it’s exactly the reverse, except that the Democrats actually answer the payment question: tax the rich! Typical Republican hypocrisy…



On Jan. 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States of America swept away a wide array of federal and state laws governing the regulation of abortion.

Since that date, 50 million American babies have died.

Here are some figures: 25.5 percent want to postpone childbearing, 21.3 percent cannot afford a baby, 14.1 percent have a relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy, 12.2 percent are too young (parents or others object to pregnancy), 10.8 percent say having a child will disrupt education or job, 7.9 percent want no more children, 3.3 percent say risk to fetal health, 2.8 percent say risk to maternal health, and 2.1 percent — “other.”

“Too young” and the last three are the ones most often cited as the reason why all abortions must be made legal.

“Other” refers to cases of incest, rape or the impregnation of someone with mental deficiency.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the nation’s largest abortion provider, wanted to “improve” the human race.

Her organization believes that birth control serves a great purpose by stopping the genetically “unfit” from reproducing.

She wrote that her work allows “nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or those who will become defectives.”

She also wrote, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”

Do you get the feeling that rather than improving the human race, our current abortion laws are meant to improve the economy?