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Councilmember Cook: Upcountry water agreement requires further review

By Staff | Apr 5, 2024

WAILUKU, Hawaiʻi (April 4, 2024)–Councilmember Tom Cook announced that he will request further committee review of a resolution approving a water-delivery agreement with Free Market Ventures for Upcountry Maui at tomorrow’s 9 a.m. council meeting.

Cook said Resolution 24-47’s purpose is to secure a water source that would provide reliable water delivery in Upcountry. In response to community feedback, Director of Water Supply John Stufflebean has asked for the resolution to be returned to the council’s Water and Infrastructure Committee for further review, Cook said. The council is also awaiting a cost analysis from the department.

“We would like to ensure that we are doing our due diligence in crafting a water-delivery agreement that is in the community’s best interest,” said Cook, who chairs the committee. “I would like to continue discussion in committee to give the community and the county more time to work together on this important matter.”

Live and written testimony is accepted at all council and committee meetings. The meeting agendas and supporting documents are accessible at mauicounty.us/agendas.

For more information, contact Cook’s office at thomas.cook@mauicounty.us or (808)270-7108.