Exercise outlets thriving in West Maui

Kalani and Bethany Ross run Anytime Fitness Lahaina.
WEST MAUI — The importance of physical fitness and exercise has never been greater than in the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety and emotional upheaval dominate the psyches of populations around the world, and the vital remedy of concerted activity reigns high for people of all ages.
That positive energy is spearheaded by athletic and exercise leaders all across Maui, and here on the West Side, it thrives in fitness centers and clubs throughout the community.
In particular, Anytime Fitness Lahaina and the BLOCK are two thriving exercise outlets for locals and visitors to use for physical and emotional training.
At Lahaina Square on Wainee Street and across from Old Lahaina Center, Anytime Fitness Lahaina operates as one of the worldwide exercise centers to offer 24-hour programs for people of all ages.
Managed by local boy Kalani Ross and his wife, Bethany, the franchise has been in operation for two-and-a-half years with its round-the-clock exercise and fitness programs.
The 4,500-square-foot, air conditioned facility offers a full-service gym with personal and group attention through its coaching center.
Goals and directions are set with individual and/or group conferences with qualified trainers.
“The goal is to help the community (during the pandemic) with a way to find physical and emotional well-being through a positive outlet,” Ross explained last week at the spacious center.
He went on to say that Anytime Fitness Lahaina backs every nonprofit it can with monthly support. An upcoming event is the annual Down the Hatch Turkey Trot 5K and Keiki Run on Nov. 25 that benefits Maui Food Bank and Save Honolua Coalition.
Ross also teaches a strength and conditioning class at Maui Preparatory Academy.
“We want people, many of them going through hard times and unemployment, to have a positive outlet — a way to feel as a part of something,” Ross said.
All members get a worldwide key, called a “fob,” that they can use at Anytime Fitness centers anywhere in the world, Ross concluded.
The West Side has another fitness outlet with two locations — at the industrial area on Kupuohi Street across from Island Grocery Depot, and at Napili Plaza. The BLOCK Maui is a homegrown business that has been in operation for four years offering a 24-hour operation at Lahaina and daily scheduled classes in Napili.
The two centers — 2,000 square feet at the Lahaina location and 1,200 square feet at Napili — are both managed by Tyler Olsen.
“We offer group and functional fitness classes and mobility training on a daily basis, and a free session at Airport Beach on Saturday mornings. There is no enrollment fee, and our rates are comparable to other fitness centers,” said Olsen.
For more information regarding the BLOCK Maui, go to theBLOCKmaui.com, or call Tyler at (801) 707-5522.
For Anytime Fitness Lahaina, go to anytimefitnesslahaina.com, or call Bethany and Kalani at (808) 856-0229.