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West Maui Little League to hold Opening Day

By Staff | Mar 28, 2019

LAHAINA – West Maui Little League will hold its Ohana Day at the Lahaina Recreation Center Park on Saturday, March 30.

This is going to be the largest Opening Day the league has had in years, with all 13 WMLL teams playing a game.

The ceremony will start with the Parade of Teams and singing the National Anthem and “Hawaii Pono’i.”

Special guests will include West Maui County Councilwoman Tamara Paltin, Little League District III Administrator Ernest Delima and Umpire Jaime Perez, who was recently selected to work the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA, on Aug. 15-25, 2019.

Cool Cat Cafe will be providing the concessions for the event; fans can purchase a hamburger or hotdog, chips and a drink for $5. All proceeds support West Maui Little League.