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Parks Department to hold introductory pickleball clinic

By Staff | May 25, 2017

WAILUKU – Across the nation, pickleball is fast becoming the new sport for communities to exercise and stay active. To help introduce more residents to the sport, the County of Maui Department of Parks & Recreation will conduct an introductory clinic for those with little or no pickleball playing experience.

The intent of the clinic is to introduce the game of pickleball to the community, and to provide those who are just starting with an opportunity to sharpen their skills.

The clinic will be held on Saturday, June 3, at the War Memorial Gymnasium. Clinic registration will start at 8 a.m., and instruction will begin at 8:30 a.m. The clinic flyer and waiver forms can be found at www.mauicounty.gov /parks (click on Recreation & Support Division).

For more information about the clinic, call the Recreation Division at 270-7383.