Start Me Up Das It catches the year’s biggest marlin
LAHAINA – The Start Me Up Das It joined the 500-pound marlin club with the largest blue of the year-to-date: a 560.0-pound fish by Bryce Bebout. He was fishing with Capt. Ross Elkins and deckman Shawn Carter.
They were 180 fathoms off Black Manele, Lanai, when Shawn saw a splash behind the Steve Elkins blue-back Popsicle lure running on the long rigger. The marlin ripped off the 130-test line for 200 yards straight away from the boat before going ballistic. It greyhounded, tail-walked and jumped clear of the surface for about ten minutes as it made several big circles back and forth behind the boat.
Once Shawn had the starboard side of the pattern cleared, Ross put the boat both engines reverse, past the port side lures, as he chased after the marlin. The fish started to settle down as Ross reversed up on it in about five minutes. They had the marlin swimming with the boat near the surface and showing color.
The fish turned and made a 30- to 40-yard run, jumping away from the boat, with Ross right after it. Bryce quickly cranked the fish to double line, with it right behind the stern. Shawn grabbed leader on the port corner, but the marlin turned outside and took off on a short, 20-yard run, crashing around and then coming back toward the boat. It dug in and turned away from the boat.
Bryce got the marlin back up five minutes later, with it swimming with the boat. Shawn grabbed the leader and took a wrap on the port corner. The fish turned to the starboard corner, with Shawn letting the wrap go, but he held on to the leader. He followed it to the corner and wrapped leader again.
The marlin just sat there, rolled onto its side, only moving with the forward motion of the boat. Shawn took another wrap and pulled the fish up. Ross was there to secure their catch in only 20 minutes.
For catching a marlin over 500 pounds, Start Me Up Sportfishing gave Bryce his trip for free. They also donated $300 to Lahaina Baptist Church as part of their charity donation program for a marlin caught over 500 pounds on one of their boats.