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Reduce motion sickness with no side effects

By Staff | Aug 25, 2016

ReliefBand offers numerous advantages in treating motion sickness.

Millions of people all over the world can now have a drug-free treatment option to reduce morning sickness, motion sickness and nausea thanks to ReliefBand.

ReliefBand, a FDA-cleared wearable device, can now treat symptoms of seasickness.

Now, with the ReliefBand, you have more opportunity to enjoy flying, boating, amusement park rides and other types of travel and entertainment without having motion sickness spoil your good time.

The non-prescription ReliefBand is unlike anything else sold for motion sickness. It offers numerous advantages.

First, it is drug-free. Because it is not a drug, with no side effects or safety concerns that other common RX medications give, you won’t have the headache, drowsiness, dizziness or other side effects typical of most medicinal remedies on the market.

Also, instead of having to take something several hours ahead of time, the ReliefBand can be used any time, even after nausea symptoms start.

There are no restrictions on consumption of food, beverages or medications with the use of ReliefBand. And finally, unlike medicines, pressure bands and other passive remedies, with the ReliefBand device you control the level and duration of relief. You can actually feel it helping to control your motion sickness. Users experience relief in minutes.

Worn like a bracelet or a watch on the underside of the wrist, the ReliefBand uses patented technology programmed pulses with a highly specific waveform, frequency and intensity, with gentle electrical signals to stimulate the median nerve on the underside of the wrist. The signals travel to the central nervous system, stimulating between the brain and stomach via the vagus nerve, restoring normal gastric rhythm and relieving nausea.

These intermittent signals create a mild “tingling” sensation in the palm and middle fingers, indicating the device is working and activating the body’s natural neural pathways via the median nerve.

There is a simple on/off push-button control with five levels of stimulation. The user only needs to slip the device on to the underside of the wrist, and then find the starting area on the wrist. Using either wrist make a fist. The correct “magic spot” area is in between the two tendons on the underside of the wrist, two finger widths from the first crease in the wrist.

ReliefBand has been clinically proven and prescribed by doctors to treat symptoms of morning sickness, post-operative nausea and sickness caused by chemotherapy for nearly 20 years.

ReliefBand has created an over the counter technology that is re-usable and affordable. The ReliefBand was specifically designed to provide a comfortable level of stimulation, enabling the device to be used for long-term, continuous use. It is also water and shock-resistant.

There are several motion sickness bands on the market. Make sure the band you purchase has replaceable batteries.

I have used the ReliefBand since it came on the market. Having tried everything from ginger, Dramamine and Bonine tablets, Scopolamine patches, and even nei-kuan acupressure point wrist bands, this was a lifesaver on the few occasions I got seasick when fishing – especially ika-shibi nighttime trips.

I always took my ReliefBand with me when I worked the Maui Channel Swim escort boats, and used it to help the swimmers that got seasick between legs, sometimes getting nice tips from them for saving their swim.

If you have ever been seasick, there is not enough money in the world, which you would gladly pay, to get you back to stable, dry land.