Class introduces beginners to Ki-Aikido

Tracy Reasoner, 5th dan, is Maui Ki-Aikido’s Adult Beginner Class instructor.
WAILUKU – A special four-week course to introduce the principles and practice of Ki-Aikido will be offered by Maui Ki-Aikido in June. The classes are appropriate for beginner adults and teens and will meet on four consecutive Thursday evenings, June 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Shunshinkan Dojo at 194 S. Market St. in Wailuku.
The course will be taught by Tracy Reasoner, 5th dan, and is designed to expose new students to all facets of Aikido training. The classes will cover all the basics of Aikido, including meditation, breathing, relaxation, Ki development exercises, and Aikido techniques.
The course fee is $40 and includes a copy of the book “Ki-Aikido on Maui-A Training Manual” by Christopher Curtis, head instructor of Maui Ki-Aikido and chief instructor of the statewide organization Hawaii Ki Federation.
The entire fee will be applied at the end of the four-week course to the dues of any participant who continues to train. For more information and registration, call 357-5172. Maui Ki-Aikido is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading the principles and practice of Ki-Aikido; visit for information.