Lahaina Big Boys Football to begin season on Saturday
LAHAINA – The Maui Big Boys Football League will kick-off its 2016 season on Saturday, Feb. 27, at Sue D. Cooley Stadium on the Lahainaluna High School campus with a full slate of elementary and middle school age level contests.
The MBBFL is an organization that produces a spring football season for grade school and intermediate level kids to play tackle football with no weight class restrictions.
Representatives from Lahaina, Wailuku, Kihei, Upcountry, Kahului and Olinda make up league teams that will play games through April 30 at sites that include Seabury, The Pit in Wailuku at Keopuolani Park, and two games here in Lahaina.
Games will begin at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Call 250-6279 for more information. n