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West Maui Little League to hold registration

By Staff | Oct 22, 2015

West Maui Little League this year is changing its season and will run from January through March.

LAHAINA – West Maui Little League will hold registration for its 2016 Regular Season on Saturday, Nov. 7 and 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lahaina Cannery Mall. Boys and girls ages 5-14 are welcome to join.

The league will be changing its season and run from January through March. This season change will allow the league to be in line with the other leagues on the island and allow youth to play inter-league, giving the players the opportunity for more exposure and play time.

Visit www.westmauilittleleague.com for additional information and to download required documents to bring to registration.

WMLL also seeks dedicated parents, family and friends to volunteer as coaches (head and assistant coaches positions are available), umpires and team moms, and to assist with field maintenance and concessions.

If you are interested, e-mail westmauibaseball@gmail.com.