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West Maui Little League to hold registration

By Staff | Jan 16, 2014

LAHAINA – Led by new league executives Anna and Jason Kanaha, West Maui Little League Baseball begins a comeback campaign to restore the program to the energetic days of the past.

With falling interest in baseball due to conflicting seasons with other popular sports on the West Side, the Kanahas have stepped up into the batter’s box to attempt to bring baseball back for the kids.

“We want to let everybody know that it’s registration time for West Maui Little League,” said Anna. “We’ll be at the Lahaina Civic Center on three consecutive Saturdays – January 18, 25, and February 1 – from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.”

She added that there will be four divisions to sign up for: T-Ball for five- and six-year-olds, Coach Pitch for seven- and eight-year-olds, Minors for ages nine and ten, and Juniors for players ages 13-14.

The Majors Division for 11- and 12-year-olds has already started their season; this will allow this age group to continue to play baseball in the late spring and into the summer with other programs.

All interested players are asked to bring the original or a state-certified copy of their birth certificate, and one document of proof of residency in Lahaina dated between February 2012 and February 2013. Junior Division players must provide three proof of residency documents.

For more information regarding West Maui Little League, go to www.westmauilittleleague.com or call 269-7140.

“We are also looking for volunteer coaches and officials for the program. Please visit our website for more information concerning volunteering to help. All volunteers must complete a volunteer application form and will undergo a background check,” Anna concluded.