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County of Maui recognized as ‘Fit-Friendly Worksite’

By Staff | Jan 3, 2013

Mayor Alan Arakawa and American Heart Association Regional Director Kauwela Bisquera hold the award joined by staff from the Mayor’s Office.

WAILUKU – The County of Maui was recently recognized as a Gold Level recipient of the American Heart Association’s “Fit-Friendly Worksites” recognition program.

Worksites throughout the nation can participate in the initiative by making employees’ health and wellness a priority.

The county was recognized as a “Fit-Friendly Worksite” by AHA’s “My Heart. My Life.” initiative for offering employees physical activity support, providing/increasing healthy eating options, promoting a wellness culture, and implementing at least nine criteria in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and culture.

“We are extremely honored and excited to be recognized by the American Heart Association’s “My Heart. My Life.” initiative as a Gold Level ‘Fit-Friendly Worksite,’ ” said Mayor Alan Arakawa. “Physical activity and employee wellness are very important priorities here, and we encourage all of our employees to continue to participate in workplace wellness programs.”

For more information on the initiative, call 244-7185 or e-mail Kauwela.a.bisquera@heart.org.