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Kihei Canoe Club seeks teams for fun regatta

By Staff | Mar 17, 2011

KIHEI — Maui businesses, clubs, families and groups of friends are invited to create six-person teams to compete in the 29th annual Maui Paddlers Open outrigger canoe races April 2.

The event, designed for novice and experienced paddlers, is sponsored by Kihei Canoe Club.

KCC has set a goal of having at least 60 teams compete in the popular race — the club’s most important fundraising event. The entry fee of $150 per canoe goes towards supporting KCC’s youth program and other expenses.

Many hotels, restaurants and large employers sponsor teams each year, but anyone who wants to join the fun is welcome, said Lea Giddens, who chairs the regatta committee.

Teams will compete in several categories, including novice, experienced and Mana O`Lana, a breast cancer survivors’ group. The double-elimination format guarantees that each crew will get to race twice.

“Get together with old school friends, cousins, neighbors or coworkers for a great day of camaraderie and fun competition,” Giddens said. The club will provide canoes, paddles, opportunities to practice and an experienced steers person if needed.

Racing starts at 8 a.m. at the KCC site, Ka Lae Pohaku, across South Kihei Road from the ABC store and continues into the afternoon. There will also be music, food and a raffle. For more information, contact Giddens at 280-4046.