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Spring wahine fishing tourney is a fun for all

By Staff | May 13, 2010

The Hickey 'ohana are the big winners of the 32 Annual Spring Wahine Jackpot: Elena, Elena and Captain Ed.

LAHAINA — This year’s 32nd Spring Wahine Fishing Tournament was held Saturday and Sunday during the May Day weekend.

Fifty-one wahine fished aboard 15 boats, with 25 wahine catching 41 fish from twelve of the boats. There was one short-nosed spearfish weighing 38.2-pounds, with 16 mahi totaling 294.0-pounds, 16 ono totaling 373.1-pounds and 48.2-pounds of assorted tuna weighed, for a grand total of 753.5-pounds.

This year’s winner was aboard the Hale Aloha, with Elena Hickey weighing the 38.2-pound spearfish, with husband Ed Hickey and crewman Kimo Hodgins. They landed their fish on the first day, off the Palaoa Pt. lighthouse, on the southwest corner of Lanai. The Hale Aloha also weighed the second largest fish of the tournament, with Elena Hickey wrestling a 34.5-pound ono.

Elena won a free entry to the Wahine Jackpot Tournament, to be held on Thursday, October 28th.

Second and third place was captured aboard the Morey. On the first day, Cheryl McPhee landed a 29.0-pound ono, with Captain Mike Thomas. On the second day, Scarlotte Vinge weighed an identical 29.0-pound ono, with Captain Gary Vinge.

Second place winner is Cheryl McPhee, with a 29.0 pound ono.

The fourth place fish was also an ono, weighing 27.7-pounds by Kati Gomez. She was fishing aboard the Christiane II, with Captain Dave Huntley and crew Kitty Kauhane and Derek Escalera.

In fifth place was the largest mahi of the tournament, weighing 24.9-pounds by Angela Fredman. She was aboard the Kukana Kai, with Captain Bill Haywood.

The No Problem captured the Total Weight category, with eight mahi totaling 152.1-pounds, with Captains Rich Newcomb and Steve Lambert and crew Mason Jarvi.

Second place Total Weight went to the Follow Me, with Captain Rail Jennings scoring two mahi, four ono and assorted tuna, totaling 139.7-pounds.

Third place Total Weight came in aboard the Morey, with Captains Gary Vinge and Mike Thomas finding five ono totaling 119.5-pounds.

Sisi Martin and Angela Fredman weigh in the winning mahi.