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Lahaina Harbor boats enjoy a good winter

By Staff | Apr 8, 2010

This 688.1-pound marlin was weighed by (from left) Dwayne Raczynski, Rich Lynch and Randy Evans.

LAHAINA — The winter fishing out of Lahaina Harbor was pretty good, with some exceptional catches being weighed. The hundreds and hundreds of mahi landed during this three-month period also added to the excitement.

To date, the largest blue marlin weighed 688.1 pounds by Dwayne Raczynski. He was fishing aboard the Start Me Up Das It with Capt. Randy Evans and     crewman Rich Lynch.

A 58.3-pound shortnose spearfish by Randy Basil topped that category. He was fishing aboard the Kai Akua with Captains Jeremy Webb and Hunter Betts. This 6’6”-long, 11.25-inch half-girth fish is the largest in the last three years and the sixth largest spearfish weighed since 1984.

The largest ahi (yellowfin) weighed in at 163.3 pounds. It was angled by Greg Delauro and Worm. They were fishing aboard the Reel Hooker with Capt. Greg France and crewman Peter Wong. This ahi would have been the third largest the past two years, and it’s the 12th largest since 2006.

A 58.4-pound ono by Tim Grant made the top fish stats. He was fishing aboard the Start Me Up La Dat with Captains Ryan Fiedorowicz and Mike Tappero. This 5’3”-long, 12-inch half-girth fish is the 11th largest ono weighed since 1984 and the largest in the past two years.

From left, Hunter Betts, Randy Basile and Jeremy Webb with their 58.3-pound spearfish.

The Start Me Up Das It weighed a 49.5-pound female (cow) mahi mahi with Capt. Randy Evans and crewman Rich Lynch. Male (bull) mahi are the larger of the species, with females averaging 15-20 pounds. This 5’7”-long, 11.5-inch half-girth fish is the largest female mahi that I have seen weighed in 30 years. If anyone has weighed a larger female, please let me know.

Bottom fisherman Brendon Au weighed a pending Hawaii State record two-pound, seven-ounce saba (chub mackerel) while fishing aboard the Scorpio. The previous state record was one pound, two ounces.

This 163.3-pound ahi was caught by (from left) Peter Wong, Greg France and Worm.

A 58.4-pound ono was weighed by (from left) Tim Grant, Ryan Fiedorowicz and Mike Tappero.

Randy Evans (left) and Rich Lynch with their 49.5-pound female mahi.