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Mortgage help offered for residents impacted by COVID-19

By Staff | May 28, 2021

WAILUKU — Mortgage assistance is available for Maui County residents impacted by COVID-19 through the Community Development Block Grant Mortgage Assistance Program administered by Maui Economic Opportunity.

Up to $1,500 per month for a maximum of three months could be paid out through the program, the only one offering mortgage relief due to the pandemic.

The CDBG program also offers rent help of up to $1,000 per month for three months.

There are income requirements, and at least one member of the household needs to have been impacted by COVID-19 through job loss or reduction of hours.

In addition, applicants are ineligible if they received mortgage or rental assistance from any other federal program. This includes Maui County’s HELP (Hawaii Emergency Laulima Partnership).

Applications can be found on the MEO website at meoinc.org. For more information, call 249-2970.

In related news, Maui Economic Opportunity’s next Teen Financial Literacy Online Workshop will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on June 8, 10, 15 and 17.

The four-session program offered through MEO’s Business Development Center covers budgeting and savings, basic banking, applying for jobs, credit and its importance and more.

The workshop is free and targets students from intermediate to high school.

To register for the workshop, call (808) 243-4347 or e-mail lianne.perosbusch@meoinc.org.