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High school student launches ‘100 Real Estate Agents Who Care’ project

By Staff | Dec 5, 2019

Habitat for Humanity Maui has built and renovated 123 houses on Maui and Lanai, providing safe and affordable homes for over 500 people in our local community.

WAILUKU – Local student Pohaku Kepler recently launched the “100 Real Estate Agents Who Care” program for his senior project at Kihei Charter High School.

Kepler hopes to encourage 100 local real estate agents to donate at least $100 each to Habitat for Humanity Maui.

His goal is to raise $10,000 to help build more affordable housing on Maui that will benefit local low-income families.

Inspired by the “100 Men Who Care” and “100 Women Who Care” movements, Pohaku made the connection that local realtors – who are often in the profession because of a passion to help people achieve homeownership – can band together and make a much more significant impact as a group to benefit those who are unable to afford purchasing a home through the regular market.

“It is so inspiring when young people don’t just see a problem but take direct action to make a true difference,” said Habitat for Humanity Maui Development Director Max Tornai.

A Lahaina family moves into their new home.

“To date, Pohaku’s efforts have already raised just about $6,000 from over 25 donors. These funds will go a long way in helping us to continue to build safe and affordable housing on Maui.”

Real estate agents who donate can be listed on the program’s website, which can be linked to the agent’s business page.

For more information on the “100 Real Estate Agents Who Care” program, and how to donate, visit 100RealEstateAgentsWhoCare.com.

Habitat for Humanity Maui Inc. became an official affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International in 1997.

To date, Habitat has built and renovated 123 houses on Maui and Lanai, providing safe and affordable homes for over 500 people in our local community.

Habitat Maui serves individuals and families earning 25 to 80 percent of the median income of Maui County.