YouTube launches streaming TV service
YouTube announced its own streaming TV service for $35 a month. Subscribers get all four major networks – ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC – and around 30 of the biggest cable channels. That price covers six accounts, so each member of the household can have a personalized account that offers recommendations tuned to their taste. The kids will have to draw short straws, however, as you can watch up to three concurrent streams at a time.
“Planet of the Apps” is a new TV show coming soon on Apple Music starring Jessica Alba. It features developers demonstrating their brand new apps. It’s sort of like “American Idol,” where you make it big or get kicked off the show.
Charging your iPhone at the airport using a USB cord can cause a hacker to get all of your information, so only charge your phone using your white plug-in charger.
Google recently announced the launch of a new machine learning API for automatically recognizing objects in videos and making them searchable. This will become available soon.
I love this new app called Gipht Stickers. Once you open up the app, it has hundreds of really awesome animated Emojis. Choose a good one, and a menu opens up that allows you to send it as a message or e-mail.
Here is a cool way to send a message or make a telephone call very quickly. On your iPhone, just click on Contacts, choose the person you want, and hold and press on the photograph or bubble above – then you can choose Call or Message.
I heard that the Visa credit card company came up with a pair of sunglasses equipped with an NFC chip. By placing the sunglasses over a base station, you can buy that new Mercedes you always wanted.
Contac Live Video blogging has taken the region by storm, and BIGO LIVE, one of the biggest live stream apps in the region, has over 70 million users. It’s free, so give it a try. It’s sort of like Twitter and Facebook combined.
Okay, you just got a nasty voicemail on your iPhone from your divorced wife demanding $1,000,000, and you want to save it to your Mac or Windows computer. To save it, just click on the voicemail, click on the box that has an up arrow key, then click on either Message, Mail or iCloud drive, where it will be sent as an audio file. You can open up the e-mail on your computer to make you mad listening to it all over again. You can also choose the iCloud Drive, which is very important to have on your Mac, iPhone or iPad. When you save anything to iCloud Drive, it automatically places the file on the iCloud Drive located on all three devices.
Pressing the Function and Delete keys together will delete a forward letter, while just pressing the Delete key will delete a back letter.
Okay, the last app of the day is called Buoy. Let’s say you just returned from the Congo jungle, you notice red spots all over your arms, and you don’t feel like going to a doctor to be put into isolation. This new app can diagnose what you have and come up with solutions to cure the Ebola you got there.
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