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Real property tax sale set for June 7

By Staff | May 26, 2016

WAILUKU – The County of Maui Department of Finance last week announced that it will hold a real property tax sale on Tuesday, June 7, and continue the sale on Wednesday, June 8, if necessary.

The sale will auction off properties that have been delinquent for three or more years and have received their final notice of tax sale.

The tax sale will be held at Kihei Community Center at 303 E. Lipoa St. in Kihei. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m., with the auction beginning at 9:30 a.m.

As of May 18, 2016, there are 22 properties scheduled to be sold at the tax sale.

Properties may still be removed from the tax sale list if all taxes, penalties, interest and costs have been paid in full prior to the date of the sale.

Information on the tax sale, including a list of the properties being sold and frequently asked questions, may be found on the County of Maui website at www.mauicounty.gov/RPT (select “Delinquent Tax Accounts”).

The list has also been posted at the Real Property Tax Collections office located at the Maui Mall Service Center, Suite A-18; Kalana O Maui (County) Building; Hoapili Hale (judiciary building); Molokai Real Property Tax Office; and Lanai Senior Center. For more information, call the Real Property Tax Collections office at 270-7697.

In related news, the County of Maui Department of Planning recently announced two new public service initiatives.

First, customers may now pay for permit application fees using a credit card. A processing fee of 2.35 percent is automatically added to the payment. Accepted credit cards include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Permits may be submitted at One Main Plaza, Suite 315, in Wailuku.

Second, supporting documents for the department’s board and commission meetings are now posted online at the board or commission webpage.

Go to the county website, www.mauicounty.gov, click on “Planning Department” under the “Government” heading, and click on “Supported Boards & Commissions.” A list of the department’s boards and commissions will appear; click on any board or commission, and then click on the link for its meeting materials.

The documents from recent meetings, including the April 2016 meetings, are currently available, and documents for future meetings will be posted as they become available.

The objective is to have these meeting materials available online as soon as the agendas are posted. Hard copies of the meeting materials are also available for viewing at One Main Plaza, Suite 315.