DLNR to hold information meeting on ferry pier project

The new interisland ferry pier will be located 60 feet to the north of the existing pier at Lahaina Harbor.
LAHAINA – The state Department of Land and Natural Resources will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday, July 2, on the final Environmental Impact Statement for proposed Lahaina Small Boat Harbor ferry pier improvements.
The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. at the West Maui Senior Center at 788 Pauoa St. in Lahaina.
According to DLNR, the proposed project has been reduced in scope due to the extensive consultation that has been ongoing with regulatory agencies and the Section 106 consultation groups. Dredging to widen the harbor basin as originally proposed has been eliminated from the project scope.
The new interisland ferry pier will be located approximately 60 feet to the north of the existing pier at Lahaina Harbor. It will be 115 feet long and 20 feet wide (reduced from the originally proposed 35 feet). It will be on piles and able to accommodate 100 passengers.
Ancillary actions include:
1) Construction of a shade roof involving four open-sided, roofed structures 14 feet in height (reduced from 17), connected by three open trellises on the ferry pier to shelter passengers during arrivals and departures;
2) Construction of two sewage pump out stations;
3) Construction of a concrete gangway measuring 16 feet by 60 feet to connect the existing pier with the new pier structure;
4) Replacement of the existing harbor administration office;
5) Improvements to the passenger loading and drop-off area; sidewalk widening along the northwestern portion of Hotel Street; and resurfacing of a portion of Wharf Street, to facilitate safe passenger/pedestrian movement in and around the harbor.