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Imua Family Services announces ground breaking ceremony

By Staff | Nov 14, 2013

The total estimated cost of the project is $1,915,000. It is projected that once all funding is in place, construction can be completed and the facility ready for occupancy in 3-6 months. 

WAILUKU – Imua Family Services (IFS) is set to break ground on its Early Childhood Training and Development Center on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m.

Located on Wakea Avenue next to Easter Seals Hawaii’s Maui campus, the state-of-the-art center will serve children with special needs, developmental delays and disabilities.

While IFS is still actively engaged in its Capital Campaign to raise $1.9 million to complete the build-out, there have been significant strides that have enabled the organization to begin the process. This includes $200,000 in support from the County of Maui, $975,000 in State Grant-In-Aid for Easter Seals Hawaii and Imua combined, $150,000 from the Will Smith Foundation in a naming opportunity for Will Smith, $50,000 from the Bendon Family Foundation, $25,000 from First Hawaiian Bank, $10,000 from Emerald Club Realty and ongoing generous donations from individuals and businesses.

Tuesday’s ceremony will commence the official start of construction. Guests in attendance will include Mayor Alan Arakawa, IFS board members and staff, Easter Seals Hawaii representatives and community members.

The center’s design plans call for a two-story building with staff offices on the second floor and a variety of specially designed program spaces on the ground floor.

Specifically, the ground floor level will include three state-of-the-art therapy rooms with observation windows (one with specialized sensory equipment); multipurpose classroom for special needs individuals; Parent and Toddler Group Therapy Center; model Inclusion Preschool, including an Early Childhood Development Program; large multipurpose conference room and classroom with attached service kitchen for training, conferences and meetings; child-friendly reception area; waiting rooms; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant bathrooms and elevators; and outdoor ADA-compliant, covered child care playground area

The development project will involve the partial demolition of an existing two-story building formerly used as a dormitory for seasonal workers by Maui Land & Pineapple.

Utilizing the existing foundation and structural support systems has helped to keep costs down and significantly reduces the amount of time required for predevelopment and construction.

For more information, visit www.imuafamilyservices.org or call 244-7467.