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The Jewel of the Pacific at Olowalu

By Staff | Aug 1, 2013

If paradise is what you are looking for, you do not need to look any further. Not only is this agrigultural-zoned parcel paradise, but it has so much more to offer than any other ag-zoned lot on West Maui.

OLOWALU – If it is paradise you are looking for, you need not look any further than 80 Kalai Place in Olowalu Mauka. Not only is this agricultural estate parcel paradise, but it has so much more to offer than any other ag-zoned parcel on West Maui.

Upgraded features include $100,000-plus in extensive plantings! More than 100 mature royal palms line the driveways and entrance to this tropical oasis. This includes numerous Norfolk pines, jacaranda, mock orange, plumeria, ficus trees and much, much more.

When comparing other agricultural-zoned lots in West Maui near the ocean, notice the plantings at 80 Kalai Place. They are not only extremely expensive and expansive, but the time that it has taken for this landscaping to mature is priceless.

Extensive site work has been done in order to accommodate a main dwelling for this property. This includes building pads and space for an infinity pool.

There are numerous custom rock walls throughout the property that reflect the feel of old Hawaii and the aina. The property is surrounded by many ancient archeological sites. Truly the feel of Polynesia, filled with the abundance of the land and sea.

Included with the sale of this property is a two-bedroom, two-bath residence, plus a Hawaiian Hale, greenhouse, child’s playhouse and additional storage for farm equipment or office space located off of the current carport/garage. A tractor is also included.

Privacy is optimal. This is created from the river valley to the north and the Olowalu Valley, West Maui Mountains and reservoir right behind the property.

This is truly a property meant for Hawaiian ali’i (royalty). Unsurpassed views of the neighbor islands over the tropical blue Pacific add to the incredible beauty of daily sunsets. The sunsets take you into the most serene and spectacular night skies of Olowalu. Experience starry nights like no others in the world with the serene quietness of a true paradise.

Enjoy viewing the nene geese as they fly past, or listen to the soothing sounds of the stream along with the breeze through the dancing palms. You realize you have arrived to the Jewel of Olowalu. Once you have looked at other properties, you know this cannot be reproduced. Location, location, location! An experience not to be missed!

If you truly are considering an agricultural estate on Maui, this is the perfect place for the perfect life! On Maui, we call that “No Ka Oi” – the very best! Take your time… time to view this extraordinary lifestyle. A lifestyle that escapes many – a forgotten lifestyle of aloha, the aina and the sea.

This five-acre-plus estate property is proudly offered for sale at $2,499,000. Other options to purchase are also available concerning this property; see MLS #354926, a cottage and land priced to sell at $1,499,000. And MLS #354925, four acres of heavily planted agricultural land, is listed for sale at $1,199,000. A virtual tour can be viewed at www.take1mediacreations.com/VP/80KalaiPl.html.

Jim Harris and Mischelle Lawrence have lived in Kaanapali for over 35 years, and there is nobody who loves it more or who knows it better. “We love it, we breathe it, we sell it and we live it to the fullest extent.” The Best of the Best just got better! Contact Mischelle M. Lawrence, R(S), at (808) 264-3337 (cell) and James M. Harris Inc., Broker, toll-free at 877-Jim-Maui (546-6284) or e-mail JimMaui@Maui.net.