Learning the meaning of aloha through sports

Whalers Realty Inc. sponsored a West Maui Little League team this season.
Whalers Realty has always supported our community through youth activities and education, not only by way of monetary contributions, but through volunteerism as well. One of our favorite causes is the West Maui Little League.
The WMLL is designed to introduce the player to the basic fundamentals of hitting, fielding, running and throwing as well as the social skills involved in teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play and respect. Today WMLL fields 16 teams within four divisions (T-ball, Coach Pitch, Minors and Majors) with approximately 15 children participating, with boys and girls playing together on the same team. One of the missions of the league is to help the children learn the meaning of aloha through teaching good sportsmanship and how it relates to their everyday lives.
This year, Whalers Realty sponsored the Lahaina Cardinals. It was wonderful to see how much fun the children had and watch how their self-esteem grew through the season. One of our top sales associates, Jeff Swanson, helped coach his son Brayden’s team, the Napili Red Sox. It is admirable to see someone who works as hard as Jeff does in his real estate practice make the time to take part in not only helping with his own son’s personal growth, but also as a role model for the other kids on the team.
The WMLL season is drawing to a close. I am sure there are team results, but as we see it, all the children are winners by taking part in this commendable endeavor. If you have a child that is interested in playing, or are able to make a monetary contribution or volunteer, you may contact Anna with WMLL at (808) 269-7140. For all your real estate needs, please remember to “Ask for the Best” and contact our crew of professionals at (808) 661-8777 or visit our website at www.whalersrealty.com.