Habitat for Humanity Maui seeks volunteers

Volunteers will help Habitat for Humanity Maui at Fourth Friday in Kihei on Feb. 22.
WAILUKU – Volunteers are needed to help with the Volunteer Exchange program with Habitat for Humanity Maui at Fourth Friday in Kihei on Feb. 22.
Several shifts are available from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tasks include marking vendor stalls, setting up signs, placing trash and recycle bins, closing off parking and entry areas, setting up supplies, opening and setting up tables and chairs for entertainment and food areas and helping to direct vendors to designated stalls.
From 6 to 9 p.m., volunteers are needed to clean restrooms of excess paper, refill restroom supplies and alert custodians and maintenance crews as needed.
From 8 to 10:30 p.m., cleanup jobs include emptying and collecting trash and recycle bins, closing up tables and chairs from entertainment and food areas, directing vendors to exits and taking down signs.
A drink and meal voucher is provided for all volunteers after at least a two-hour work shift.
The Volunteer Exchange program provides Habitat for Humanity Maui the opportunity to raise awareness of the organization and sell water, soft drinks and T-shirts.
Call 242-1140 or e-mail Cheryl@ habitat-maui.org for information.
Habitat for Humanity Maui also seeks volunteers to help solicit for Visitor Industry Charity Walk pledges, walk the course and/or help at an aid station.
With a $35 minimum pledge, your name will be entered in door prize drawings at the end of the walk.
The aid station is with First Hawaiian Bank. Volunteers help to mark off walkers’ cards. The aid station volunteer shift is about two hours beginning about 6:30 a.m.
Breakfast is included for the first six volunteers working at the aid station. Sign up by May 1 to receive a T-shirt.
Breakfast is included for minimum pledge walkers.
Call 242-1140 for more information or to receive a pledge sheet.