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Lahaina Commercial opportunities in West Maui

By Staff | Oct 14, 2010

Call John Coté for information on openings at the Lahaina Industrial Center.

WEST MAUI — We have an opportunity for a small business owner to rent a shop space, office or storage for under $500 per month in Lahaina!

Air conditioning is available in locations on the first or second levels. Spaces are freshly painted with new carpeting. Call or e-mail for details.

Spaces are available on Front Street utilizing a new concept — call it a mini-mall or emporium, but the idea is to put compatible businesses (gallery, jewelry or other businesses that cater to tourists) within a space that offers multiple businesses to the customer. A flat rate is charged that includes CAM, RPT and electric. This gives a shop the opportunity to be on Front Street and enjoy the traffic and success that exists there. Contact me for information.

Retail locations exist everywhere on the West Side in all the shopping centers and strip malls. It might be in your best interest to contact a commercial realtor who has knowledge of the “territory” to represent you in a location. There is little or no cost to the tenant, and more than likely, there will be considerable cost savings.

There are a number of restaurant locations in Lahaina and the West Side waiting for a new concept. Landlords are more resilient cost-wise and apt to look hard at offers from restaurateurs with good credit and a good possibility for success. Call or e-mail for information.

There are many commercial locations for lease on the West Side from Lahaina to Kapalua. Whether you are looking for retail, office, industrial (heavy or light) or storage, most likely we can find what you are looking for.

Please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail Lahaina Commercial with your inquiries and questions. I have more than 13 years of experience in West Maui commercial real estate. Call me at (808) 870-0503 or e-mail johncote@lowson.com.