Habitat for Humanity Maui helps organization achieve top ten ranking

Habitat for Humanity Maui volunteers, staff and families build homes on Maui. Photo by Janet Renner.
KAHULUI — Habitat for Humanity Maui helped Habitat for Humanity achieve the rank of No. 8 on Builder magazine’s “Builder 100” list.
The milestone marks the first time the nonprofit has been among the top ten biggest builders in the United States. Habitat earned 5,294 closings last year.
Habitat for Humanity Maui recently completed its 34th home. Its projects house more than 100 people.
Habitat for Humanity Maui began building one house at a time in 2003 and now builds five houses a year.
The group has also helped over 40 seniors with retrofitting their home, so that they can safely age in place.
“We look forward to continuing to build for Maui’s more deserving families and thank the community for all their help in providing affordable housing for the people of Maui,” said Habitat for Humanity Maui Executive Director Sherri Dodson.
“We are proud to be an affiliate of an organization that is committed to ending homeless and poverty housing around the nation.”
In 2009, Habitat affiliates around the country repaired 710 homes nationwide — up from 621 homes in 2008.
Around the world, Habitat for Humanity helped 61,005 low-income families by building 23,657 new houses and rehabilitating or repairing 37,348 houses.
Builder magazine’s annual list compiles data provided by the nation’s builders, including their closings.
Habitat for Humanity Maui became an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International in 1997 and started building in 2003.
Its mission is to build decent housing and to renovate substandard housing on Maui in partnership with community volunteers and potential homeowners to eliminate homelessness and substandard housing.
Individuals and businesses are welcome to partner with Habitat by volunteering or making a donation.
For more information, or to donate or volunteer, visit www.habitat-maui.org or call 893-0334.