County: Real property tax exemption deadline is Dec. 31
WAILUKU — The county Department of Finance announced that Dec. 31, 2009 is the deadline for real property tax exemptions, condominium use classification declaration and requests for agricultural use valuation for the 2010-11 tax year.
Also, in order to qualify for exemptions, the deed, lease, assignment of lease, agreement of sale and related documents must be recorded on or before Dec. 31 with the state Bureau of Conveyances.
The Bureau of Conveyances is located in the Kalanimoku Building at 1151 Punchbowl St. in Honolulu. The mailing address is P.O. Box 2867, Honolulu, HI 96803.
Property owners affected by the deadline include individuals claiming basic home exemption; charitable organizations using their property exclusively for nonprofit purposes; public utility companies; low- to moderate-income housing; disabled veterans; Hansen’s Disease sufferers; those who are blind, deaf or totally disabled; child care providers; taro farmers; deployed active-duty military personnel; and circuit breaker tax credit applications.
A new claim does not have to be filed for property that already has an exemption, unless the conditions under which the exemption was granted have changed.
Exemptions for child care providers, low- to moderate-income housing, public utility companies, taro farming and circuit breakers must be filed annually.
Applications that fail to meet the Dec. 31 deadline will be processed for the 2011-12 tax year.
For information, call the county Real Property Tax Division at 270-7297.
Forms are also available at