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LETTERS for the October 18 issue

By Staff | Oct 18, 2018

Vote “no” on the Constitutional Amendment

The teachers’ union told their members to vote YES… how foolish is that? They probably think new money will come into education, but when asked, the legislators said: “NO GUARANTEE THE NEW TAX MONEY GETS TO THE CLASSROOM.”

If you are a teacher and you own property here, do yourself a favor and VOTE NO.

If you own a home or condo, or even land, if a “yes” vote is carried, your taxes will rise… guaranteed.

Let’s not allow the legislature to decide how high taxes can go.

We all live in the highest cost of living state now; let’s not make this worse!



Grub fallow land to help prevent fires

You cannot blame the mayor for Hurricane Lane, Tropical Storm Olivia and the fires. He did what he could at the time and circumstances.

This is what I see looking back and moving forward. I put blame on the present landowners: Bishop Estate, Kamehameha Schools, West Maui Land Co. and MECO.

These wealthy landowners should be more PONO. Do the right thing. If they have the money to own the land, then they should be more ethical with the land.

Better stewardship of the land is needed, especially with West Maui being vulnerable to be cut off from the rest of Maui, whether it may be hurricanes, tsunami, fires or accidents.

These companies should grub the land next to homes, highways and utilities. We experienced two- to two-and-a-half days of no power and the loss of food (homes and markets).

Grub the land! Make a fire break so it’s harder to burn. These firebreaks and roads may make it more accessible for fire trucks, water tankers and emergency vehicles. All the shrubbery, trees and limbs/branches that may fall on power lines should be cleared at least 100 feet to prevent fires and power outages.

The landowners say “never mind… costs too much… too hard to get to… costs too much for the shareholders (profit line).”

Think of the hardship – people that lost their homes, other damages to homes, disruption to businesses, worker hardships.

Do the right thing! Think of the future of West Maui. It’s not a matter of IF, BUT WHEN the next disaster will happen. Think about it. You can’t fool Mother Nature!



Why won’t Ige face Tupola in a debate?

Hawaii still has the dubious distinction as dead last in voter turnout of all 50 states!

After decades of one-party domination, people have lost hope for positive change.

No change. No hope, No vote. Auwe!

Minority Leader Andria Tupola challenged Gov. Ige to debate her in EVERY county.

Ige cancelled the only televised debate hosted by PBS Hawaii scheduled for Sept. 20.

Was the governor reluctant to be compared with his primary opponent, Andria Tupola?

After much public pressure, he agreed to only one televised debate on Oct. 29 (after most had cast their absentee ballots). Criticized again, he then agreed to a second earlier televised debate on Oct. 15.

Every county deserves an opportunity to see, hear and judge for ourselves both leading candidates.

Could Andria Tupola be the change/candidate we have been waiting for?

She is clearly a very principled, passionate, articulate and strategic problem solver.

Moreover, she is a public servant who actually serves and deeply cares about people .

Rep. Tupola has an impressive track record of empowering communities to own their problems and become part of the solution.

Check her out at www.votetupola.com and Facebook/votetupola.

Andria’s solutions are research-based, community-led, common sense and people-focused.

As the elder and longer serving politician, we are hopeful Gov. Ige will accept Tupola’s challenge to debate her in every Neighbor Island county: Kauai, Maui, Kona, and Hilo.

Ige is beginning to “man up!” Hana Hou!



Time for term limits for Congress

Why is it that Americans are so thoroughly disillusioned with Congress that they demand term limits?

According to a poll conducted earlier this year, 82 percent want term limits, while only 9 percent are opposed. Fifty-six percent strongly supported limits, with only 3 percent strongly opposed.

More than 200 years ago, Benjamin Franklin foresaw what would happen to Congress if it became a position of both wealth and power: “It will not be… the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits.”

That is why it’s time for term limits on Congress.

The longer Congressmen stay, the more they adopt the Washington point of view – that Big Government is good, that government should provide special advantages for special interests and that the greatest sins are to reduce government spending and to provide equal treatment for all.

Term limits would put an end to the professional congressman who serves for decades. It would break up the networks of long-serving congressmen and lobbyists.

These statements are not unsupported theory. Fifteen states placed term limits on their legislatures in the 1990s, and those states have served as experimental laboratories to determine the effects. Scholars have monitored the results, which show that term limits will be a necessary part of any plan to return to a citizen legislature.

Term limits alone will not turn a professional legislature into a citizen legislature. Big salaries, generous health and retirement benefits, year-long sessions and large staffs are among the other issues that must be addressed.

However, without term limits, it is unlikely we will ever return to the citizen legislature that was a foundation of the government established by the founders.

PETER J. THOMAS, Chairman, The Conservative Caucus