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LETTERS for December 28 issue

By Staff | Dec 28, 2017

Bypass plans flawed

After attending 25 years of meetings for the Lahaina Bypass, many things that I was concerned about were not addressed. For example, only one road in and out of the top subdivision on Lahainaluna. Put in a roundabout!

The state DOT invites the community for input, then does as it sees fit. Now I read the DOT plans to send all traffic on the bypass. What?

You can be sure that this was a back room deal with the developer (West Maui Land) to create oceanfront estates. Why else would they not use the cane haul road in the first place? Millions would have been saved and the whole project would have been completed years ago.

Funny how Peter Martin gives an editorial about government dragging their feet towards infrastructure, when he could have been the guy who made West Maui better.



HTA wrong to call MMA fans ‘undesirable’ people

I just heard on the local news that the Hawaii Tourism Authority is saying they do not want the UFC to bring a championship fight to Hawaii, where our own Max Holloway is the champ. They say they do not want “undesirable” people to our great state.

Is this the same organization that just had four people recently accused of stealing money? Tell me… who are the real undesirables here?



Tax on meat makes sense

With Congressional Republicans rushing to place a new tax bill on President Trump’s desk, here comes the respected British publication, The Guardian, suggesting a new source of tax revenue: meat. Yes, a tax on meat, to beat the health and climate crises.

The concept is hardly radical. We already pay taxes on tobacco, alcohol, sugary sodas, plastic bags and other consumables that afflict the public health and other social costs.

The revenue would reimburse Medicare, Medicaid and other government health care programs for treating victims of chronic diseases that have been linked conclusively with consumption of animal products.

It would contribute to the costs of restoring air and water quality and wildlife habitats that have been devastated by production of these items.

Benjamin Franklin noted that nothing is certain except death and taxes. However, death can be deferred substantially by taxing the very products that make us sick.



Group treated to special luncheon

What a special day! Forty-eight Hui Hoaloha Ladies luncheon group members were honored to attend a luncheon at the Sue D. Cooley Stadium on Nov. 28, 2017.

Our group meets monthly to learn about non-profits that support our local community. Jeff Rogers, executive director, Lahainaluna High School Foundation, organized our campus visit. They had not served a group like ours a luncheon at the football stadium.

When I approached Jeff to ask if they would host a luncheon for my group, he was pleased that a group not affiliated with the high school campus wanted to visit and learn more about the world-class football stadium and the oldest school west of the Rockies.

If you have not visited the campus and stepped out onto the bleachers’ lanai area of the football field, you have never viewed Lahaina Town, the coastal water shore, and our sister islands of Molokai and Lanai as were viewed by the Hawaiian chiefs – breathtaking to say the least.

Lynn Kahoohalahala, LHS principal, called Jeff early the morning of the luncheon to ask if our group would enjoy a choral group performance. The luncheon started with a performance by the Hawaiian Language and Immersion choral group. They were led by Leomana Crozier. They chanted an oli and sang several songs, including “Hawai’i Pono’i” and the “Hawaiian Doxology.” What a delightful way to start the luncheon.

The school’s culinary arts teacher, Colin Delos Reyes, worked with the culinary students to create a menu that would highlight their culinary talents. The menu included two pupus, two salads, three main lunch entrees and dessert. No one went home hungry, and many took “to-go” boxes. Everyone was impressed.

One member commented, “Gee, they need to have their own ‘Class Act’ restaurant/classroom like the University of Hawaii Maui Campus.” Wouldn’t that be nice?

The entire staff and the students at Lahainaluna High School and Lahainaluna High School Foundation are to be commended for providing a special educational luncheon event that far exceeded our members’ expectations. I encourage those that have time to help with volunteering (LHSF needs board members, the Boarding Program always can use a hand and other programs at the school) or financial support (for school supplies that aren’t covered by the DOE or for LHSF programs) to give Jeff Rogers a call. He can be reached at (808) 214-2839.



Restoring Hawaii is the right thing to do

The United States’ government, businessmen and churches are responsible for Hawaii’s 1893 overthrow. President Trump’s stance regarding Jerusalem is relevant to restoring Hawaii. “It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done,” in response to the 1993 “Apology” Public Law 103-150.

Through Jesus’ saving grace, forgiveness and restoration is possible. God’s promise to Abraham belongs to all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

Lili’uokalani affirms: “The people told of the living God, and taught to call ‘Father,’ are crying aloud to Him; and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the voices of His Hawaiian children.”

Headed down the wrong path, the overthrow served as an instrument of correction. “As you endure this divine discipline, remember God is treating you as His own children. No discipline seems pleasant at the time. Afterward, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living.” (Hebrews)

Faith requires right actions expressed in love. “Take this seriously, and change the way you think and act,” said Jesus.

There’s judgment against hypocrisy, greed, social injustice, oppression, disregarding commandments and sexual transgression.

God said: “I want to see a mighty flood of justice and an endless river of righteous living.”

Trusting in God, Hawaii can be restored as a nation. We can choose “the right thing to do.”

“In that day people will proclaim ‘This is our God! We trusted in Him! He saved us!’ The world will know I am your Savior and Redeemer.” (Isaiah)



State funds are mismanaged

In recent controversies, the state says it has no money. Regarding moving the lifeguard tower at Canoe Beach, many locals use this beach. Many visitors use Kaanapali Beach.

Heck, with the millions of dollars the hotels pay in taxes, the state can’t afford to have two towers and avoid a lawsuit?

Honoapiilani Highway? Nothing in the books for 18 years. That’ll be 2036. They say the bypass is NOT a replacement for the highway, but yet it does connect to the highway.

Watch and listen to the news. RAIL? That’s another loser!

All those millions/billions of dollars could have gone to schools with no air conditioning and to remedy overcrowding of schools.

Regarding the recent burning of Maui High, funds could have installed security cameras. Now, the state has to pay millions to rebuild.

Rail funds could have gone to raises for teachers, police, lifeguards – not for incompetent planners and politicians. They raise our taxes, cut services and ignore some things.

Why are Maui people paying 50 cents more per gallon of gas? I would think they (Oahu) would pay the same as Maui or more to encourage them to get out their cars and use the rail when it’s built.

Start paying for the rail NOW and do not make outer island people pay taxes for a rail system we are hardly going to use.

When are these yo-yos going to be more responsible with our taxpayers’ money?



Protect the innocent unborn

America needs to bow our heads in shame and repent, before God Almighty sends His wrath upon us.

Congress needs to recognize and invoke God’s Supreme Laws instead of passing laws that go against them. The same goes for the Supreme Court and the president.

The White House should not be applauding the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Accepting the murder of 98.7 percent of humans aborted, as a first step to reducing the mass murder of innocent unborn human beings, is nothing to be proud of.

Protecting the innocent unborn must be a 100 percent goal, because we must obey God.

According to God’s Word, we humans are to live by every word that came out of his mouth – including when God said, “Thou shall not kill.” And he was referring to the innocent, not the murderers.

Those who take money to perform abortions are cursed by God (read Deuteronomy 27:25).

God’s Word tells us Christ will come to Jerusalem, and that his angels will put the sheep on his right and the goats on the left. To the sheep on the right, He will say, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom.” To the goats on the left, Christ will say, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

Without repentance and obedience to God, it’s the everlasting fire.