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LETTERS for July 27 issue

By Staff | Jul 27, 2017

Government protests must be nonviolent

Please be advised that federal law states that it is illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of any of our state and federal governments, including by act of assassination.

Just as it is not free speech to yell “fire” in a crowded movie theater, it is illegal to try to use the First Amendment as an art form to advocate violence against any government official.

The assassination of JFK, the attempted assassination of President Reagan as well as the other assassinations in our history, including actor John Wilkes Booth’s of Lincoln, are not funny nor righteous.

Be pono – support our government and you support our country. Want to protest policies? Please do, but please be nonviolent. United we stand.

Paul Laub, Former President, Maui County Veterans Council


Seek liberty by following God’s ideas

The Liberty Bell is an American symbol of freedom. Commissioned in 1752, the inscription reads: “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof Lev. XXV. v X.”

The United States’ forefathers included some “Leviticus 25” precepts in property laws but erred overall. Understandably they missed the mark, as Godly application is unprecedented.

Israelites didn’t religiously adhere to God’s ideas either. Subsequently, they suffered as a result.

Selling ancestral property isn’t allowed. Hawaiian kuleana land practices are aligned with God’s commandment that: “The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine!”

The 1848 Great Mahele land division helps Hawaiians identify ancestral property. However, it also led/leads to erroneous conclusions that property could/can be sold.

Selling ancestral land was/is in violation of the 1840 Hawaiian Constitution, which states “all laws of the islands shall be in consistency with the general spirit of God’s law.”

Even with best intentions, no one is perfect. Thankfully, debt forgiveness is in Levitical precepts – monetarily, physically and spiritually.

Jesus is the Redeemer-kinsman. He paid our debts and set us free. “On the Day of Atonement you shall make the trumpet to sound. ‘And you shall… proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants… each of you shall return to his family property.’ “

It’s not too late to restore Hawaiian land. Follow Biblical principles.

Nations proclaiming “LIBERTY” and desiring Divine protection must “Observe My statutes and keep My judgments, and perform them, and you will dwell in the land safely.” – GOD



Why not probe special interests influencing the U.S. elections?

As an American citizen and voter, I am stunned by the amount of media coverage and government resources that are being spent chasing the question of whether Russia influenced the 2016 election.

I think many of my fellow Americans would agree with my perspective: our elections have already been so thoroughly influenced by special interests and Big Money, how much more “influence” could Russia possibly exert over the process?

A recent AP poll was just the latest in a consistent message that the American public has been trying to send for years: our campaign system is broken, and voters believe their elected representatives represent wealthy campaign donors or special interests rather than their constituents.

The poll found that three-quarters of Americans feel they don’t have enough influence over their own government. That should be a wake-up call that we need to fix the system… but we’ve seen similar polling numbers for years, and nothing’s been done yet.

I personally wish that the media and government would spend at least as many resources covering “Money in Politics” as are now being spent chasing “the Russia story.”

Yes, other countries benefit in many ways if they can influence American elections. Yes, special interests benefit in many ways when their secret campaign contributions result in huge government contracts or tax breaks at the expense of middle class taxpayers.

Our government should be working to change the rules that invite this corruption – not act shocked when every bad actor walks in the doors we left not only unlocked but open.

JOHN PUDNER, Take Back Our Republic


How Medicare covers home health services

Medicare covers a variety of health care services that you can get in the comfort and privacy of your home. These include intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy, speech-language pathology services, and occupational therapy.

Such services used to be available only at a hospital or doctor’s office. But they’re just as effective, more convenient, and usually less expensive when you get them in your home.

To be eligible for home health services, you must be under a doctor’s care and receive services under a plan of care established and reviewed regularly by a physician. He or she also needs to certify that you need one or more home health services.

In addition, you must be homebound and have a doctor’s certification to that effect. Being homebound means leaving your home isn’t recommended because of your condition, or your condition keeps you from leaving without using a cane, wheelchair or walker; special transportation; or getting help from another person.

Also, you must get your services from a Medicare-approved home health agency.

If you meet these criteria, Medicare pays for covered home health services for as long as you’re eligible and your doctor certifies that you need them.

For durable medical equipment (like a walker or wheelchair), you pay 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount.

Skilled nursing services are covered when they’re given on a part-time or intermittent basis. In order for Medicare to cover such care, it must be necessary and ordered by your doctor for your specific condition. Medicare does not cover full-time nursing care.

Skilled nursing services are given by either a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse under an RN’s supervision. Nurses provide direct care and teach you and your caregivers about your care. Examples of skilled nursing care include: giving IV drugs, shots, or tube feedings; changing dressings; and teaching about prescription drugs or diabetes care.

Before your home health care begins, the home health agency should tell you how much of your bill Medicare will pay. The agency should also tell you if any items or services they give you aren’t covered by Medicare, and how much you’ll have to pay for them.

This should be explained by both talking with you and in writing. The agency should give you a notice called the Home Health Advance Beneficiary Notice before giving you services and supplies that Medicare doesn’t cover.

For more details on Medicare’s home health benefit, please read our booklet, “Medicare and Home Health Care.” It’s online at www.medicare.gov/ Pubs/pdf/10969-Medicare-and-Home-Health-Care.pdf.

GREG DILL, Medicare’s Regional Administrator for Hawaii