LETTERS for August 11 issue
Restore Hawaiian governance
It’s time Hawaii is restored to Hawaiian governance. Liliuokalani trusted God and surrendered to Him, confident in His goodness. It’s the Biblical year of Jubilee, which is returning land, granting freedom, debts forgiven, with promises of God’s provision and protection. Acknowledge the possibilities for those who place their trust in Him.
Where God guides, God provides. Facilitators exist that help countries establish governments with economic plans.
Hawaii’s self-governing monetary system is feasible like Britain’s financial independence… safeguarded from U.S. debt.
The majority of agricultural land is controlled by a few entities and largely underutilized. It’s an opportune time to transfer control at fair-market prices.
Sustainable agriculture with export markets is ideal. Adverse conditions of global production and worldwide population growth encourage other sources of food supply. The Hawaiian government can restructure taxes and regulations along with trade agreements that will be beneficial for a viable agriculture industry.
Hawaii’s agricultural workforce will be substantial, providing employment opportunities. Local families that moved off-island could return home. Housing will be necessary.
Government regulations contribute to the problem of affordable housing. Marketing $685,500 homes as “affordable” is a lie, yet meets the standards for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines. Only 25 percent “affordable” homes are allocated in developments. Availability of workforce housing and sensible cost of living alleviate homelessness and poverty.
“Chronically homeless” populations increase with government resolutions, encouraging immigration and delinquency. “Welfare” is an oxymoron. It often results in robbing dignity and the joy people experience to work with their God-given abilities. Statehood status can’t stop freeloaders from moving to Hawaii and abusing the system. Hawaiian governance can eliminate “the system,” control immigration and deport delinquents.
Quiet titles and quiet claims use the courts to take land. United States’ governance cannot control off-island investors that usurp local families from home ownership. People are suffering as a result with no reasonable or foreseeable relief.
“Hear me for my downtrodden people… do not covet the little vineyard of Naboth’s (I Kings 21-22), so far from your shores, lest the punishment of Ahab fall upon you, if not in your day, in that of your children, for ‘be not deceived, God is not mocked.’ The people to whom your fathers told of the living God, and taught to call ‘Father,’ and now whom the sons despoil and destroy, are crying aloud to Him in their time of trouble; and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes.” Queen Liliuokalani implored this message to non-listening and unresponsive Americans. Can you hear her now? How will you respond? Hearts and minds that seek righteousness and justice are delightful to God. He created us because He delights in us.
We have an opportunity here to be delightful. It’s a perfect time and within our purview to make things right. Hawaii, like Israel, can be restored as a nation that trusts in God’s divine protection. He doesn’t promise the absence of trouble, but if we obey His statutes, we’ll live in the land safely and prosper.
God is greater than any problems. Trust in Him!
“RESTORE” now!
Thank you, Bernie
Bernie Sanders, over the past 15 months, you have awakened our nation.
You have given voice to a movement of the people that recognizes the interconnectedness of the critical issues that face our nation and world. You have articulated the needs and pathways to solutions of these issues.
You have given us hope for the future, fighting for our children and the world they will inherit.
From peace to social, economic, racial and environmental justice, you have enlightened us to the realities, possibilities and necessity of working together on each of these issues. You have shown true leadership and courage when so many others have chosen only to follow.
Peace: You have emphasized a need to prioritize diplomatic solutions rather than military solutions to the global problems. Your push for entirely renewable carbon-free energy sources would eliminate wars fought for resources while simultaneously reducing climate change and the conflict that ensues from the loss of global food production, water and finite resources. As for the greatest threat to the peace, nuclear war, you are the only candidate that pushed for the elimination of nuclear weapons and an end to the renewed arms race and expenditure of $1 trillion. And you are one of only three senators supporting the S.A.N.E. Act calling for significant nuclear weapons expenditure reductions.
Social Justice: You have fought tirelessly for the rights of all Americans, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation, to realize the full promise of equality that is our birthright as Americans. You have also fought for the health of our nation, providing universal healthcare as a right, including reproductive health without government interference.
Economic: Your demand for a $15 minimum wage coupled with your push for K-16 debt-free college tuition to lift families from poverty has set the bar for this campaign and shed a light on the inequalities we face in our country and the despair that follows. For it is poverty that is at the core of so many of the problems we face. You have led the fight against the big banks and the economic impact of corporate America and their uber-rich executives in the fight to end Citizens United.
Racial: You have fought to end mass incarceration that comes from institutionalized racism in our country. This has broken apart families and entire communities as the war on drugs has become the new Jim Crow. You have articulated the path out of despair from ending poverty and the war on drugs.
Environmental: Your fight to end our addiction to fossil fuels, ending fracking and toward 100 percent safe renewable energy is essential for the future of our planet. You have listened and spoken about environmental justice and the impacts to health and hope it has upon our poorest communities.
Your campaign has made each of us acutely aware of the need for campaign finance reform – leading by example. You have also made clear the need to do away with anti-democratic superdelegates, who are not representative of the people. You have done all of this in the face of a rigged game and have never given up. You have shown us the path, and the responsibility now is ours collectively.
This movement is unstoppable. You have forever changed the political process, and you did so with grace. We the people thank you. It is now our responsibility to move forward to realize these goals. We will hold our elected officials accountable for the achievement of these goals. The platform you have helped to create will serve as a benchmark for our success. Leaders who are unable or unwilling to work for these aims will be replaced.
You have reminded us that it is not about any single candidate; rather it is about the critical issues of our time and our future.
When our children’s children ask, what did you do when the planet was threatened and people’s lives were at risk and undervalued, I will be proud to say I stood with you and fought for the change that was necessary. It’s all connected.
Thank you, Bernie Sanders. The revolution continues. Our future depends upon it.
Theatre Theatre Maui appreciates support
Theatre Theatre Maui wrapped up its 2016 West Side Youth Summer Theatre Camp with four awesome performances of Disney DreamWorks’ “Shrek the
Musical Jr.!”
Our campers, staff, crew and volunteers knocked it out of the park with outstanding work both off and onstage, and we couldn’t be more proud!!
Our dedicated and hardworking program director, Kristi Scott, often advises her camp creative team that it takes a village to put on such a production, and she is right. Without the dedication and support of all involved, none of this would be possible.
As a small, bare bones nonprofit organization, we are tremendously grateful for the support of our sponsors and donors, and we would like to thank them publicly for their support and kindness this year.
Mahalo to the County of Maui and Office of Economic Development, Westin Maui Resort and Spa, Tropic Water, Jay Wright and Lahaina Baptist Church, Maui Hotel and Lodging Association and Visitor Industry Charity Walk, Lahaina Music, Old Lahaina Luau, Maui Preparatory Academy, 5A Rent-A-Space, Barnes & Noble, Lahaina Cannery Mall, Lahaina Grill, Kokua Realty, Lahainaluna Shell, Ace Hardware, thINKprinting, Red Tail Associates, Kathleen Shultz, Maui Academy of Performing Arts, Scott and Una Olssen, Island Sotheby’s International Realty, Rob and Louisa Shelton, The Riley Family, Tim Nelson and Major Show Productions, Ricky Jones, Maui Onstage, Bruce Sandler and Village Audio, Plush Salon, Lisa Hawks and Debbie Brooks, Rachel DeBoer, PSAV, Ray and MaryBeth Chin, and all of our volunteers, parents, creative staff, and board of directors.
Thank you for everything as we plunge forward into the next season of theatrical fun!