LETTERS for May 26 issue

Lobby government officials to do the right thing
Thank you to all the people who wrote letters to the government officials involved with moving ahead with dredging Lahaina Harbor.
E-mails went out to 50 women in the Ladies Sailing group sponsored by Lahaina Yacht Club, and an e-mail blast to all the members of LYC, asking them to write letters to release the funds and get the project moving.
We have no way of knowing how many wrote letters, but this is a clear example of people moving government.
The job is still not done and may take months or another year of pushing.
So, please keep writing letters; keep pushing the “powers that be” to do the right thing.
It may seem like the harbor doesn’t matter to you, but if a boat gets stuck, then the harbor closes down. If the harbor closes, many people will be out of their jobs; then they can’t buy things in the stores and can’t pay their rent, and the whole town suffers
And there is a great chance of someone (crew or tourist) getting hurt. The health of the harbor is important to the whole town.
JAN DOEHI, Lahaina
IRS must be held accountable for its abuse of power
It’s time for the House of Representatives to take serious action to protect Americans from the IRS. The House should impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.
The impeachment resolution introduced by Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz makes the case for impeachment. It points out that during the investigation of IRS abuse of power aimed at organizations critical of Obama, Koskinen made multiple statements to Congress that were “materially false.” He also presided over the destruction of IRS records that had been subpoenaed by Congress.
The IRS is an agency that can do a great deal of harm when it attacks our constitutional rights. Lois Lerner, the IRS official with direct oversight of the abusive conduct, was allowed to retire without punishment. No one at the IRS has been held accountable.
The House needs to restore accountability and teach the IRS that neither abuse of power nor covering up that abuse will be tolerated.
PETER J. THOMAS, Chairman, Americans
for Constitutional Liberty Teachers appreciate community’s support
We would like to mahalo No Ka Oi Deli, Safeway Bakery, Island Gents, Teddy’s Bigger Burgers, Bubba Gump’s, Williams and Associates, Dr. B. Krause and all who made it possible to recognize and thank our teachers and staff at Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School during appreciation week. Mahalo!
Seek allodial heirs before land transfers
Unrighteous procurement of the Hawaiian Islands established dangerous precedents. It’s ironic that a group wants to exercise eminent domain on Alexander & Baldwin to “take” farmland.
Wouldn’t it be more judicious to explore if allodial heirs exist? Establishing rightful ownership is pono.
Quiet title and quiet claims use the courts to “take” land. It’s contributing to the perpetuation of more wrongdoing.
I met a Hana family who lost ancestral property during the celebrity-endorsed real estate boom. I encouraged them to represent themselves in court, since they lack sufficient resources.
The father beamed with pride describing the young girl’s hunting and fishing abilities but confessed the family’s lack of technology. He commented on his pidgin English and the court’s perception leading to unlikely success.
I had to respect his wisdom. I’ve been through the daunting process myself and experienced a bully-like atmosphere from the court.
Lineal descendants are losing land throughout the islands. Justice is perverted. It’s within our purview to do what is right.
Allodial heirs are available. Mandated practices prove to be insufficient. People are suffering with limited recourse.
“While you watch, foreigners are destroying and plundering everything they see. You stand there helpless.” (Isaiah 1)
“Put an end to such evil; learn to do good. Seek justice; help the oppressed.” (Isaiah 1)
“Jesus will bring forth justice. In His law the islands will put their hope. Righteousness draws near. Salvation is on the way – the islands will wait in hope.” (Isaiah 51)
Need to find a nursing home?
Are you looking for a nursing home for yourself or a loved one?
People go to nursing homes for different reasons. They may be sick or hurt and require ongoing nursing care. They may have had surgery and need time to recuperate. Or they may have chronic care needs or disabilities that make long-term nursing care a necessity.
Many communities have nursing homes. But how do you pick one that’s best for you or your family member in need?
The first step is to learn about the available facilities in your area. You can do that in a number of ways:
Ask people you trust, like your family, friends or neighbors, if they’ve had personal experience with nursing homes. They may be able to recommend one to you.
Ask your doctor if he or she provides care at any local nursing homes. If so, ask your doctor which nursing homes he or she visits, so you may continue to see him or her while you’re in the nursing home.
If you’re in the hospital, ask your social worker about discharge planning as early in your hospital stay as possible. The hospital’s staff should be able to help you find a nursing home that meets your needs and help with your transfer when you’re ready to be discharged.
Medicare provides a handy way to check out local nursing homes, using its Nursing Home Compare website: www.Medicare.gov/nursinghomecompare.
Nursing Home Compare provides a wealth of information on quality of care and staffing levels at more than 15,000 nursing homes certified for Medicare and Medicaid patients throughout the United States. One excellent feature is the star rating system. Facilities can receive from one to five stars, with five stars being the highest rating. These star ratings give you a quick snapshot of the facility.
Keep in mind that Medicare covers short-term nursing home stays following hospitalization, but generally doesn’t cover long-term care stays in a nursing home. Medicare coverage of home and community-based long-term care services is very limited.
Medicaid covers long-term nursing home stays and may include coverage of home- and community-based services (HCBS). HCBS provide opportunities for people with Medicaid to get services in their own home or community. These programs serve a variety of groups, including people with mental illnesses, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and/or physical disabilities.
But a nursing home may not be the best option. A variety of community services may help with your personal care and activities, as well as with home modification and equipment to support you staying at home.
Some services, like volunteer groups that help with things like shopping or transportation, may be low cost or may ask for a voluntary donation. Some services may be available at varied costs depending on where you live and the services you need.
These home services and programs may be available in your community: adult day care; adult day health care, which offers nursing and therapy; meal programs; senior centers; friendly visitor programs; help with shopping and transportation; and help with legal questions, paying bills, and other financial matters.
How do you find such local services? Try the Eldercare Locator, a guide to help older adults and their caregivers connect to services, including long-term care services and supports. Visit www.eldercare.gov, or call 1-800-677-1116.
CATE KORTZEBORN, Medicare’s Acting Regional Administrator for Hawaii