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LETTERS for June 26 issue

By Staff | Jun 26, 2014

Maui needs new leaders

We live on an island; we need to be better stewards of our resources. In 2008, when the EPA came to Lahaina, the community supported water re-use over injection wells. Water is a valuable resource; to “not take a resource and use it where it can do the most good and have a very strong benefit is ludicrous,” said MayorAlan Arakawa.

Mayor Arakawa has not listened to his own advice, the science or the citizens. He spent hundreds of thousands of our dollars on a Mainland-based attorney instead of beginning the process of phasing out injection wells. Recently, a federal judge has ruled against the Arakawa administration.

The last four years has been a big waste of our time and resources; instead of using that money to improve the quality of life for our residents, he spent it on attorneys. If the county appeals and loses this federal case again, we will be paying millions of dollars to the U.S. Treasury in fines for violating the Clean Water Act – and also paying to fix what should have been addressed six years ago.

Maui Nui is at an important crossroads. Much growth has already been approved, especially in West Maui, and we need leaders who will work to install critical infrastructure quickly and efficiently. I am a keiki o ka aina, a mother, a wife, a lifeguard and emergency medical responder in Maui County. I ask you to please Vote Paltin in the mayoral primary on Aug. 9. Collaboration, Solutions, Change.



Vote at your leisure

Well, the Primary Election is now in sight: Aug. 9 to be exact. A few hundred applications for an absentee ballot have been handed out by several people, but there’s more available for those who would want one.

Just think – no looking for a parking space; no waiting in line; no need to remember where you parked your car. Nothing to worry about! Just get the ballot in the mail, vote at your leisure and get it back to the clerk’s office.



Chemical farming not the way to go

This is in response to Mr. Ferreira’s June 5 letter about Monsanto. Sir, I fear for your health in working for this company. This is not propaganda but facts that are coming out about the corporation you work for. When you spray not one but different combinations of pesticides in these test fields, it makes the toxicity many times higher. Look at the poisoning of Kauai and all the birth defects happening there.

Roundup, which has Glysophate as one of its main ingredients, is now in our water supply. A friend of mine had a urine test that showed a high level of Glysophate in her body. She lives Lahaina side nowhere near the ag fields. I find this very alarming – wouldn’t you?

Have you tested yourself for toxins in your body? Monsanto is a chemical company. They are not farmers. There is a reason they are banned in so many countries.

They are the ones spreading propaganda. Do some of your own research. Look at the tobacco industry and how they lied about the safety of smoking. I’m sure their employees were affected. Would you work for the tobacco industry, knowing that their product has the potential to kill people?

Chemical farming with genetically engineered organisms is not the way to go. It is destructive to the environment and sterilizes the soil. Do you want poisons on your food? Try organic for your health’s sake.



Biotech helps farmers

I work for Monsanto, and I’m extremely proud of the work I do. I support all kinds of agriculture, including both biotechnology and alternatives such as organic farming.

But when I’m accused of harming our planet and asked to only support organic farming, it saddens me. It saddens me because people who don’t farm don’t realize what this world would become if we go back to the archaic farming ways used hundreds of years ago.

We live in a culture that doesn’t comprehend the widespread famine that existed before tools such as technology were used to combat famine worldwide.

The first step towards addressing world hunger has been the use of pesticides and herbicides. We have to use these tools to eliminate a sudden explosion of a pest that can destroy an entire crop. All farmers know this from first-hand experience. If a farmer doesn’t pay close attention to the pest populations, he or she can lose the entire crop. Farmers don’t get paid every two weeks but every season.

We are now moving in a direction that uses far less pesticides. What people don’t realize is that compared to 30 years ago, we now live in a world where biotechnology has helped reduce famine and pesticide use. If we as farmers are going to continue to provide for an ever-growing future population, we need to include biotechnology as a tool to help us do so.



Why are there still butts on the beaches?

I’ve been a property owner on West Maui for some 12 years. I spend some 6-8 weeks a year there. I have liked your Lahaina News and was taken with the efforts of Gina Marzo and other students to ban cigarettes in the parks and beaches. We have noticed the beaches littered with these butts.

My question is, did this bill become law; and if so, when does it go into effect?



Questions for the county

What might happen with the opening date of the new Kaanapali hotel when our Kaanapali sewage treatment plant is now over capacity and has been damaging our reefs with sewage injection wells for over 20 years?

This causes a health hazard to swimmers, fish and people who eat the fish. The County of Maui may already be held liable in federal court for $200 million in fines for the damages the injection wells have caused.

How are the time share residents going to feel when they know what they are swimming in at North Beach? What about the hotel on North Beach that has its own sewage injection well onsite?



West Maui Soroptimists appreciate support

As president of Soroptimist International of West Maui (SIWM), I want to offer a big mahalo to the generous donors and enthusiastic bidders who made our recent silent auction fundraiser at Lahaina Second Friday a success.

Many of you know us as the group that organizes the annual keiki Halloween parade, but our driving purpose is to enhance the lives of women and girls through education. Every year, we provide college scholarships to local high school girls. Through our “Live Your Dream” program, we award grants to single working moms who are attending school or training to improve their lives and those of their keiki. We rely on the generosity of Maui’s residents, businesses and visitors to fund our endeavors through events like the silent auction.

SIWM hosts a speaker series dinner every third Wednesday of the month to discuss the issues facing women today and to plan for the future. We would love to have any interested parties join us!

Meeting topics and details are posted in the Lahaina News calendar every month. You can also visit soroptimist.org to learn more about the Soroptimists globally, and our Facebook page (Soroptimist International of West Maui) to learn more about our local efforts here on Maui.

Thank you for your continued support.

KATHY PERRY, President, Soroptimist International of West Maui