LETTERS for June 5 issue
SHAKA movement inspiring
Whether or not you support a GMO moratorium, residents of our county should recognize the leadership and organization being put forth by the SHAKA movement. They have truly educated, engaged and empowered our community towards a better future through grassroots, participatory democracy.
Community leaders are emerging – working the front lines, sharing mana’o, interacting, connecting, networking and showing us all a better way to give the power back to the people.
How many more people know what a charter amendment is and how we can get it? How many new registered voters do we have thanks to this effort?
What I appreciate most are all the outreach efforts – they do not only speak of what they oppose (open air experimental GMO agriculture), but they articulate what they support: more study, natural farming methods, compassionate communication, non-violence, etc.
While I completely support this initiative, as leaders, we must also realize the negative, unintended consequences and brainstorm alternative solutions to the problems of unemployment caused in all cases where corporations would pit our livelihoods against the well-being of our health and environment.
Science, not hearsay
I work for one of the best companies on Maui and in the world, Monsanto. I am deeply concerned about some of the false propaganda that has been put out there by certain groups. They talk about pesticide use and GMOs and how Monsanto is destroying the ‘aina and the keiki. That is so far from the truth it is ridiculous.
I am Hawaiian and care very much about our islands. My family malamas the land and cares for our keiki. I have a pesticide license and have followed the rules and regulations set upon me from the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency.
I encourage all Hawaii residents to educate yourselves with truth and science – not hearsay and emotions.
Worldwide studies by our scientific communities have found no adverse affects from GMO products after three trillion meals have been consumed. Let’s leave the regulations set by our state and federal agencies to be the law.
These agencies consist of well-educated individuals that base their decisions on factual information gathered by many studies, with the work to back them up. Monsanto is making a positive impact to help feed the world population today and into the future.
Park would also fulfill foundation’s mission
Here I am writing again in hopes that the Kahoma Village is stopped and a community park is planned. I am taking to heart Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
We took our son to Michigan to attend college in the fall of 2011. We did not know anybody there, and I was a teary mess when we left him in his dorm room. I had remembered seeing a park that I really liked. I had my husband take me there to calm down. I walked around and saw a very small amphitheater and a covered picnic pavilion and thought Lahaina needs a park like this. I found a place to sit and watch people and had a view of a wide sidewalk around the park. First, an elderly couple came by with plenty to talk about. That was hopeful to see as we were entering our “empty nest.” Next, three youths skated by on their skateboards, and I thought how nice that skating is not a crime here. Then two friends walking their dogs came along and made me miss my “poi” dogs at home and wished we had a dog park to take them to in Lahaina. I was concerned when, around the corner, came a little girl all alone on her bicycle, but right behind her was dad rollerblading, pushing baby brother in the jogging stroller. Seriously? Michigan has an awesome community park that gets snow and cold a lot of the year, and sunny Lahaina has nothing like this. That’s not right!
The Weinberg Property is located in the last of the Kahoma Ahupua’a, which makes it historically significant. The proximity to Baby Beach and Mala Wharf, and being surrounded by great restaurants and markets, makes it ideal for the community to enjoy. The area is surrounded by residences and will bless the entire West Side community and our island. The weather in Lahaina is perfect for year-round use, and even when it is rainy up north, it usually is sunny in this area.
I looked up information on NYC’s Central Park and found out it is run by a conservancy. It also acquired much of its acreage through eminent domain. The Constitution of the State of Hawaii, Article XI, Section 4 states: “The State shall have the power to acquire interest in real property to control future growth, development and land use within the State. The exercise of such power is deemed to be for a public use and purpose.” We should not have to exercise this power, because the environmental constraints should prohibit the approval of this development.
The beauty of this property is that it is under the control of the charitable Weinberg Foundation, and the park designation is already included in the West Maui Community Plan. Harry and Jeannette Weinberg were part of this community, and those that knew them have assured me that a park would be in keeping with their ideals.
I love Hawaii. I think all the races are so beautiful. I like the community that we live in and treasure our strong ties that unify us. We need to fight to keep that unity, and this is our time to act.
This was the gathering place for Kamehameha and his troops. Let this be our gathering place to remember those who have gone before us. Let it be a place that we gather and celebrate life together. Finally, let us leave a legacy for future generations that will bless many lives.
The Planning Commission meeting is on June 24. Time is running out to stop Kahoma Village, so please act now. Do not lose hope no matter what. Pray hard and be joyful!
Immersion program appreciates support
Na Leo Kalele Support Group for Kula Kaiapuni O Maui Ma Nahi`ena`ena would like to extend a very fond mahalo nui loa to all of the people, community supporters and businesses who helped us tremendously throughout this year.
It is with your positive support, numerous donations, hard labor, love and affection that made it possible for us to have raised funds for our Hawaiian Language Immersion Program.
Mahalo ke Akua! Thanks to Na Kumu a me Na ‘Opio o Ke Kula Kaiapuni O Maui Ma Nahi`ena`ena, Na Leo Kalele, Na Leo Kako`o Na Leo Pulama, Princess Nahi`ena`ena Elementary School, Punana Leo O Maui, Aloha First, Na Kupuna O Maui, Kahana Canoe Club, Ka ‘Ohana Faustino and Da Friday Night Gang, Ka ‘Ohana Kane Keahi, Ka `Ohana Duque, `Anakala Pila and `Anake Dana, Kaunoa Enterprises, Louise Rockett, LB Farms LLC, Lahaina Pizza Company, Honu and Mala, and Na Hoaloha `Ekolu.
If we have forgotten anyone, it was not our intention, and we do apologize in advance.