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LETTERS for November 14 issue

By Staff | Nov 14, 2013

Kirk (left) and Kirsti-Ann Togashi (right) congratulate winners (from left) Marley Saribay (third place, Keiki Division), Austin Saribay (first place, Keiki Division) and Keali‘i Clark (first place, Adult Division). PHOTO BY MARK JUGAL.

Stop GMOs now

I would like to respond to a letter from Don Gerbig regarding GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

He refers to people as “antis” who are concerned with the environment and the health of their children, and wish to protect the aina from the contamination of our air, water and soil by huge corporations. Many of them are not even American companies, and their products are banned for use in their own countries.

He speciously compares the banning of personal pesticides to attempts to stop Monsanto and other companies from spraying dangerous chemicals without disclosure of what they are, how much and when. If individuals choose to use chemicals in their own homes to control pests, they are free do so, accepting the risks and hazards as they are disclosed on the label. It’s a matter of informed choice.

As to the assertion that there is no scientific proof of the dangers of genetic modification, perhaps he should educate himself. There are many fine, informative videos and articles readily available on the Internet.

It’s tragic that as the most isolated land mass on Earth, we could have remained free of this contamination. Instead, we invited them in. The land that is now used to create deadly seeds, awash in chemicals, could have produced healthy organic produce that could have made us much more self-sustaining. It is an opportunity lost, but perhaps it is not too late, and the aina can recover if we stop it now. I applaud the efforts of Hawaii and Kauai to do so and hope Maui follows suit.



Affordable health care?

What’s with this free health care for all the slackers? Eighty-five percent of us are covered – that’s a majority, I think – so the heck with the rest. And why should the government fine people who could afford health care but decline in lieu of a bigger paycheck and go to the emergency room instead? I’m willing to pay for their care – aren’t you? Isn’t that just good old, all-American, creative sponging?

And what is with the government running health care anyway? Why the very idea… like V.A. and Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security Disability? Of all the nerve!

And giving health care to 50 million people who would otherwise not have it? It’s absurd! Those people should just quit their jobs and go on welfare if they need health care.

So what if a few children, and elderly, and hardworking middle class people have to choose between food and health care? Who do they think they are? One would almost wonder if it’s moral, a humanitarian principle. If it’s pono.

And why take the health insurance mega corporations to task? They deserve to make a buck, right? So what if you are rejected because you have a preexisting condition? It’s probably your fault anyway!

So what if you have a lifetime limit to coverage? What did you expect? That they should take care of you forever just because you paid your premiums?

Did you think that when you most needed it, they wouldn’t cut you off? What world do you live in?

So what if you have to go out-of-pocket for co-pays you can’t afford? Don’t be a baby! Forego the pain meds and anti-nausea drugs and labs – you’re not the first person with cancer and won’t be the last. Get over it! If you don’t like the plan, then DON’T sign up.



Lions seek donations

The West Maui Lions’ Online Auction Scholarship Fundraiser started on Oct. 25 and will end Nov. 22, 2013.

Donations such as restaurant gift cards or certificates, entertainment, hotel stays, sunglasses, jewelry, art and other items to help boost the auction are greatly appreciated.

Please help us reach our goal by mailing donations directly to West Maui Lions, P.O. Box 10853, Lahaina, HI 96761, or have it picked up by calling the secretary/event chair at 866-6594. Thanking you in advance for your donations!

LINDA ELMS, Secretary, West Maui Lions


Skateboard rules clear

Low and behold, there is a county ordinance covering the use of a skateboard on Maui. I was astounded after putting up with the many riders on our residential roadways.

I cringe when I see them “hot-dogging” on our roads, riding on the white center line, crossing intersections against the red light without stopping, etc. Need I go on? I’m sure that the majority have witnessed the same things I have.

Let it be known here that the ordinance says: “No person upon… skateboards… shall go upon any roadway except while crossing such roadway within a crosswalk.”

Then it goes on to say that the riders “will be subject to all the duties applicable to pedestrians.” Are pedestrians allowed to walk against a red light? No way, Jose.

In other words: “NO CAN RIDE ON THE ROADS.”

I have been in touch with the police and have been told that officers have seized many skateboards from violators of the ordinance. But they have not started arresting the riders for the violations yet.

And, when I say “hot-dogging,” I mean zigzagging in the traffic lane, hopping onto railings and stuff they can slide on, etc.

We have a skateboard park here in Lahaina – more on the other side, I’m sure – where riders can have a lot of fun and not annoy motorists anymore. How’s about it?



A party with faulty wiring

They act as if they are from an unknown, undiscovered planet that produces beings that are void of empathy; in my opinion, that would be that part of Congress responsible for having the U.S. government shut down.

Out of this group, some are claiming to be born-again Christians. It seems these types of born-again Christians are takers rather than givers; helping the poor and needy does not seem to be any part of their agenda.

However, giving tax breaks to the wealthy while demonizing the Affordable Care Act has been on the front and center of the Tea Party’s efforts to push back on the majority voice in this country.

They behave as if they should punish the voters that voted President Obama in for a second term; that punishment came in the forms of sequestration, the government shutdown, and the threat not to raise the debt ceiling.

Not only is this behavior destroying the heart of the Republican Party, it could have pushed the U.S. government into total chaos.

It is my notion that the Tea Party (The Selfish Party) may have faulty wiring that is lacking of having feelings for others with lesser means; if that is so, sensible Republicans are needed to rise up with courage to bring our great nation back to that time when we believed in reasonable compromise.



Thanks for supporting fishing tournament

First of all, I would like to say thank you very much for your help with advertising my Lahainaluna High School Senior Project! Advertising my charity fishing tournament was very important in getting fishermen to participate in my event.

The Elmarie Dagupion Memorial Fishing Tournament was a huge success and heartfelt experience for me and my entire family. Throughout the planning stage of my Senior Project, I thought we took on something too big for us. I should have known that the people of Maui would step up and provide, and we would have nothing to worry about. I am truly blessed to live among the generous and caring people of Maui!

The Elmarie Dagupion Memorial Fishing Tournament saw 73 entries! With monetary donations and entry fees, I am proud to announce that we raised $3,900 for the American Cancer Society! I was blown away with the turnout of fishermen and the support from organizations, hotels, businesses and the people of Maui.

The success of the tournament would not be possible without the generous donations from Doug Stacy (my mentor) at West Maui Sports and Fishing Supply, Brian Yoshikawa at Maui Sporting Goods, Jay Saito at New Maui Fishing Supply, Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, Westin Kaanapali Ocean Resort Villas, Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Bill Throckmorton at Kaanapali Car Care, Napa-United Auto Parts, Cabanilla Construction LLC, Maui Jim Sunglasses, Die Hard Sports Fishing, HammerHead Spearguns, Drums of the Pacific Luau at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, The Dunes at Maui Lani, Mala Restaurant, Honu Seafood & Pizza, Maui Spearfishing Academy, Maui Wave Riders, Walter Chihara of Lahaina News, Maui artists Gary Garcia and Brian Debris, and Nancy Young at Lahainaluna High School.

My father’s fishing club (Lahaina Shorecasters) made up of 11 fishermen donated awesome fishing gear totaling about $400, conducted a separate $5 raffle and raised money for the Dagupion family. The raffle brought in $685 for the Dagupion family.

Sheraton Maui artist Gary Garcia also made a portrait (painting) of Elmarie with the Lahainaluna High School background, and it was presented to the Dagupion family along with the raffle collection. This made for a very emotional moment at the event. The Dagupion family was very touched and appreciated our efforts.

It sure was a challenging project for me, and in the mix of it all, I was also chosen among my peers at Lahainaluna High School and was selected to represent the senior class as the Senior Attendant at the Homecoming Game. Of all weekends, the same weekend as my tournament!

Everyone at the weigh-in/awards ceremony asked me if this tournament would be an annual event. I told them how challenging (stressful) the experience was, but my dad and I announced that with the consent from the Dagupion family and American Cancer Society, we would organize the event again next October.

At the end of the day, we just have to thank God for his blessing we received during the event and for HOPE for a cure for cancer!

The winning fisherman in the Adult Division was Keali’i Clark with a ten-pound, eight-ounce omilu ulua. The keiki winners were: Austin Saribay with a 15-pound, eight-ounce omilu ulua; Keanu Kaina with a four-pound, five-ounce aha; Marley Saribay with a three-pound, ten-ounce kaku; Moku Basques with a one-pound, 11-ounce oio, and Kawai’ola Kauhane with a 10.4-ounce moana. Shawn Kana came in sixth place, and consolation prizes went to Amaya Tuala and Kingley Badua. All winners received awesome prizes from my sponsors!

Aloha and mahalo for your support!


Lahainaluna Class of 2014.