LETTERS for October 17 issue

Keep an eye out for vandals
On the evening of Monday, Sept. 30, someone vandalized many of the buildings and facilities at D.T. Fleming’s Beach in Kapalua. This person spray painted the name of a political website on buildings, benches, barbecues and, worst of all, on the mural of late surfer Ron Cassidy that is depicted on the lifeguard tower.
The culprit has also been putting website stickers on street signs, guardrails and speed limit signs in Kahana, Napili and the Honolua area, even cutting the stickers with a razor to make them difficult to remove and actually damaging the signs.
I certainly support the right to free speech, but that right doesn’t include vandalizing public and private property and ruining the beauty of the island.
Please be on the lookout for anyone who might be involved in this type of activity, and call MPD to report it or to pass on any information you may have about who vandalized D.T. Fleming Beach Park.

At “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes,” Maui men — including these West Maui firefighters — pledged never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls.
Also, if you see stickers placed where they shouldn’t be, take a few moments to stop and remove them, and please teach your children not to vandalize.
Why are politicians getting paid?
While thousands and thousands of people are out of work because of the government shutdown and not getting paid, are all the politicians in Washington, D.C., who caused the shutdown getting their pay?
If the answer is yes, then why are they getting paid?
Government wrong on same-sex unions
Marriage equality is an important issue, and gay people’s feelings must not be discounted. I understand the importance of this issue to gays. Gays are striving for equality, and man is changing laws to reflect their wishes. There is, however, God’s laws, which are higher. We have a Supreme Court, and there is a higher Supreme Court divinely designed for truth. We will all go there, where we will be accountable for both our actions and inactions.
In regard to same-sex marriage, it has been suggested it is a civil right. Same-sex marriage is not a civil right, just because they are consenting adults. Should Mormons who wish to marry multiple wives have a civil right to marry them? The homosexual supporters are asking our government to comply with their agenda. Leaders hoping for more gay votes, not truly caring about their cause, will vote for same-sex marriage to be part of the ever-growing bandwagon.
According to God’s words, the practice of homosexuality is an abomination. Only God’s mind could conceive, and his power create, a oneness out of two in Holy Matrimony. There simply is no oneness in same-sex marriage, because this union can be only ordained by man.
We ask God to bless and protect us all. How can we expect God to bless a nation that is constantly making laws to counter the wisdom of the ages? Don’t you know that God will never steer us wrong?
How quickly we are eroding the very fabric that binds our nation together and makes us great. I believe representatives should represent the people’s will and not bend to political pressure. Therefore, I call on our legislators to request the governor postpone this special session of our legislators and introduce a bill allowing the people to vote on this hot issue in our 2014 elections just 13 months from now.
Too many of our citizens fear speaking out against gay marriage in fear of being labeled. I am not against gays; I am standing up to protect the institution of marriage and family. I love everyone with God’s love, including gays, I just don’t condone certain behaviors. I stand for equal rights but not same-sex marriage. Yes, there is still freedom of speech in America, but not without consequences. These days, it takes courage to stand up for truth. This letter is about all our rights. I want to encourage you to call your representative; ask them to support a bill allowing the people to decide what path is right. Please stand with me and be counted.
Our Supreme Court allows each state the right to decide this law. It is our moral responsibility to reject homosexual marriage in Hawaii. Let us lead our nation in doing what is right. Do you recall the anointed words, “In God We Trust?” If that statement is as true for you as it is for me, then trust God, who is always right. If our representatives go ahead and vote, not allowing WE The People to decide, I ask only that they listen to their conscience, keeping in mind that they are accountable and held to the highest standards to both their constituents and to their Creator for how they cast their vote.
Government shutdown hurting Hawaii families
The Republicans lost the fight on the Affordable Care Act. The law was passed by majorities in the Senate and the House; it was upheld by the Supreme Court; and President Obama decisively won his 2012 reelection, widely viewed as a national referendum on the health care reform law.
But instead of accepting the reality of our democratic process, out-of-control Republicans and their Tea Party allies manufactured a crisis to shut down the federal government unless Democrats defunded the Affordable Care Act.
Well, we aren’t caving to their irresponsible and irrational threats.
Instead, I’m taking to the floor of the U.S. Senate to show how this decision to force a federal government shutdown is affecting families and businesses in Hawaii and across the country.
In Hawaii alone, the shutdown could prevent thousands of federal workers from going to work; it could delay financial support for our small businesses; it could prevent veterans’ benefits and Social Security checks for new applicants from going out; and it could prevent 3,200 of Hawaii’s children from attending Head Start centers.
All those statistics are important, but we know this isn’t about numbers; this is about our families and our communities. What will be most effective when I go to the Senate floor is to have personal stories from real individuals about how the shutdown is affecting them.
Congress has two fundamental responsibilities: to keep the government running and to pay our bills on time.
A fringe right-wing minority has now stopped the former, and is continuing to threaten the latter – and we can’t let their extortion stand.
It’s time for Republicans to act responsibly and join Democrats in serving the American people.
Thanks for supporting ‘Walk A Mile in Her Shoes’
Maui men stepped up in high heels at the successful second annual “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” event held Sept. 28 at Whalers Village, as hundreds of supporters gathered to cheer them on. “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” is part of an International Awareness Campaign and Men’s March Against Domestic Violence. First, you put yourself in her shoes then walk the walk then talk the talk! It’s a fun and playful opportunity for men to raise awareness in our community and talk about something that’s really difficult to talk about. This annual event is sure to foster more awareness, support and walkers each year!
Our task force is very grateful to Whalers Village for providing the perfect location, their sponsorship in promoting the event and donating a raffle prize! Other key sponsors we would like to thank are AAAAA Rent-A-Space Lahaina, Givensell Marketing Group, KONI 104.7 FM and Sephora!
A special shout out goes to Joe Hawkins of KONI 104.7 FM, who donated his talent and time as our amazing emcee and led the pledge by men to end domestic violence. And, a special thank you to Louise Rockett, and the Lahaina News, for her amazing articles that continue to raise awareness in our community about Women Helping Women.
The West Maui Domestic Violence Task Force wants to acknowledge the following businesses and organizations for contributing to the event’s success: 808 Deli, All About Fish, Aloha Clinic, Aloha Motorsports, Binky’s Arts & Crafts, China Bowl Asian Cuisine, Dollies, Dr. Betsy’s Clinic, Duke’s, The Fish Market Maui, Rae Graber, Hawaiian Island Surf & Sport, The Hidden Spa, Honolulu Cookie Co., Honu, Hula Grill, Iron Imu BBQ, Christine Jennings, Island Press Coffee, J. Meier Salon & Day Spa, Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Kai Kanani, Kapalua Spa, Leilani’s on the Beach, LULU’s, Maui Marriott Ocean Club’s Longboard Restaurant, Maui Adventures, Maui Brewing Co., Maui Fish & Pasta, Maui Surfboards Killah Wiffah Surf Shop, Maui Zen Day Spa, Miso Phat, Napa Auto Parts, Nikki’s Pizza, Paradise Grill/Round Table, Old Lahaina Luau, Plantation House Restaurant, Roy’s Kaanapali, Sandal Tree, Sea House Restaurant, The Snorkel Store, Soul Lei, Spa Rejuva, Star Noodle, Volcom, Westin Kaanapali Ocean Resort and Zensations.
Domestic violence is something that can happen to any woman, regardless of where she lives or works or her lifestyle. The statistics in West Maui continue to rise. Last year in just a nine-month period, there were 535 charges of domestic abuse incidents in Lahaina.
We are grateful for the men who stepped up and for those who came out to support them. The West Maui Task Force and Women Helping Women appreciate all of the support they receive and funds they raise, as our community joins us in the mission to end domestic violence.
Anyone interested in joining the West Maui Domestic Violence Task Force is encouraged to contact us at (808) 661-7111 “Until Every Home is Safe.” Visit www.womenhelpingwomenmaui.com/ or call the 24-hour hotline at (808) 579-9581.
- At “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes,” Maui men — including these West Maui firefighters — pledged never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls.