LETTERS for October 25 issue
Do politicians care about the lower class?
This is in regard to the first presidential debate that was on television recently. I watched and couldn’t believe what comes out of politicians’ mouths.
They both talked about upper class people – meaning rich, I guess – and also talked about middle class people and not raising taxes for either group of people.
Personally, I don’t fall into either group. I am in the lower class income group. Both candidates repeated “upper class” and “middle class,” but I didn’t hear anyone mention lower income people. Are all lower income people going to be getting screwed on taxes?
The other thing I wanted to say is that both Romney and his running mate are anti-abortion for any reason. Does this mean that all women are second-class citizens?
Mail-in voting would increase participation
This past primary election, didn’t we have a 20 percent voter turnout? What a shame! People just don’t want to drive to the polling places and go through the “rig-ma-roll” that goes on there.
So what do other states do? Several of them do it by mail; the State of Oregon has been doing it since 1998 and gets a 90 percent turnout. I went on Google to check it, and there is so much there to learn.
Of course, you can do it voluntarily now by registering for an absentee ballot, but it costs a lot of money to maintain the polls and all the precinct workers now. Oregon says it saves a lot of money since it went to the mail system. My wife and I have done it for several elections now, and we both think it’s great. We switched when I started working the precinct I voted in and found it so much easier. I would not go back to the old way again.
Just think – after registering for it, you get your ballot in the mail, you then vote at home at your convenience, put the ballot back in the mail and you’re done. All pau now. You don’t have to drive to your polling place, stand in line to wait for your ballot, then maybe have to wait for a booth to open. Then you vote and walk to the machine where you deposit your ballot. Finally, you can walk to your car and drive to wherever it was that you wanted to be in the first place.
Now, how can we accomplish this? First of all, I think we have to talk to our politicians, both state and county. I called the elections office in Honolulu this morning and learned that the governor has mentioned being in favor of it. Of course he would – and ALL of our politicians should favor it, too. It would save a lot of money, first of all, and save voters a lot
of time, too.
I’m told that some people might like driving to the polling places just to “talk story.” But you can still drive to the County Building anytime to do that. “Get plenny guys ova daya fo talk wit.”
Napili Kai Foundation appreciates support
The Napili Kai Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, held a very successful Golf Tournament and Banquet on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012 at the Bay Course at Kapalua and the Napili Kai Beach Resort Aloha Pavilion in order to raise funds for our Travel Program. The foundation has been invited to perform at the Washington State/Hawaiian Civic Club’s Annual Hula Festival and is planning to take a group of about 20 that will include keiki, kumu and musicians.
For 46 years, the foundation has offered free instruction to keiki ages 6-18 in order to accomplish the mission to “perpetuate the cultural legacy of Hawaii through the children of Maui.” The keiki perform weekly at the Napili Kai Beach Resort, thus sharing the culture and aloha of Hawaii with visitors and residents. The foundation also awards higher education scholarships to its graduates.
The support from the community for our tournament was outstanding, and we would like to thank all of the people who helped us raise close to $11,000 for this trip. They are participating golfers Manu Akana, Palani Alexander, Rich Alexander, Arnell Alvarez, Russell Aquinde, Richard Armijo, Rudy Balinbin, Robert Barrick, Daniel Beck, Chuck Browning, Robert Cartwright, Mark Casperino, Fonte Catugal, Ron Coker, Lance Cowan, Mark Dagupion, Eric Delacruz, Daniel Dellovo,
Mitch Domingo, Nelson Domingo, Derek Escalera, Wela Espiritu, Dave Flavin, Luis Fuentes, Dave Fugate, Tim Gleeson, Brian Goldsmith, Brian Graham, Steve Gutierrez, David Havens, Susan Havens, John Hellem, Luke Hoffseth, Micah Honma, Brian Jorge, Dawn Kaneshiro, Clive Kegel, Kipp Keuter, Ryan Koshi, Kory Kukahiko, Emery Lopez, Brian Mahuna, Leo Mallari, Emmett Markulis, Dallas Michell, Ryan Michimoto, Johnny Miller, Eric Molina, Dick Moon, Michael Nakamura, Joel Navarro, Jesse Neizman, Justin Newsome, Andy Ortiz, Art Ortiz, Haydon Ortiz, Doug Pitzer, Matt Quinta, Chester Raimarin, Mark Renschen, Marcy Rhody, Gary Robert, Roger Ross, Glenn Ruidas, Felix Santiago, Norm Schuhardt, John Sharp, Rob Shelton, David Singhaus, Dennis Smout, Sam Soberano, Darren Sommers, Tom Spillar, Doug Stacy, Jack Starr, Josh Sumibcay, Jeff Tenorio, Chris Thibaut, Keahi Tom, Paolo Tuala, Greg Vanderlaan, Javor Varadinov, Carlos Wegner, Ben Willis and Noah Yamada, as well as donors 808 Boards LLC, Bidi Pascual, Bob’s Car Care/Service & Repair, Breana’s Polynesian Wear & Gifts, Butchy Benson (“B&B”), Buzz’s Wharf Restaurant, Castle & Cooke LLC, Cool Cat Cafe, Dennis Shimomura, Dolphin Galleries, Dr. Brendon Krause, Duke’s Beach House, Elleair Maui Golf Club, Expeditions, Fleetwood’s, Gary De Fazio, Gazebo Inc., Geoff and Spring Rhodes, George Kahumoku Jr., Glow Putt, Hi-Tech/Kim Ball, Honu Seafood & Pizza, Hula Grill, Jim Falk, Jim St. John, Jonathan Galarita, Judy and Robert Barrick, Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Kaanapali Golf Courses, Kahili Golf Course, Kapalua Golf, Kapalua Zip Lines, Kimo’s Restaurant, Kobe’s Steak & Sushi, Koho Grill & Bar, Lahaina Divers Inc., Lahaina Pizza Co., Leilani’s on the Beach, Makena Beach & Golf, Mala Ocean Tavern, Maui Jim’s, Maui Surf Shades, Menehune Maps, Mike Jones/Kapalua Golf, Moore Trust, Mr. Sub Sandwiches, Napili Kai Beach Resort, Nelson Castillo, Norman Schuhardt, Old Lahaina Luau, P.B. Construction LLC, Paradise Grill/Round Table, Pineapple Grill, Plantation House Restaurant, Ray Chin, Ritz-Carlton Kapalua, Roy’s, Sakamoto Properties, Studwell Ohana, Thad Henry-Design GP HI Inc., Thai Chef Restaurant, The Dunes at Maui Lani, Title Guaranty of Hawaii Inc., Tommy Marin, UFO Parasail, Ulalena, Vodka, Wade Latham, Whalers Realty Inc., Williams Associates, and Young Life Maui.
Special thanks to Jonathan and Leigh Galarita, Kapalua Golf Course personnel, Nori Tihada, Cousin Mike, Iris Tihada, Nathan Laborte, Karyn Laborte, Carol Santos, Stephanie Acevedo, Diana Wallace, Jennifer Pierre (with baby in kangaroo pouch), Malia Laborte, Lei Liwanag, Debbie Mahuna, Janice Studwell, Barbie Dofa, Shelley Hee, Sally Werblun, K. Holoaumoku Ralar, Kalei Jaramillo, Rance Villarimo, Phyllis Ross, Kincaid Kupahu, Eddie Ralar, Noeau Ralar, Lahainaluna Cheerleaders, Nohealani Ralar, Napili Kai Beach Resort staff, Mark Vieth and Louise Rockett.
LOU ROSS, Napili Kai Foundation