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LETTERS for October 18 issue

By Staff | Oct 18, 2012

Preserve Honolua

I don’t get to go to Honolua Bay much anymore, but it’s nice to know that it’s still there. Maybe the Lahaina News could reprint the names of the County Council members that voted Honolua Bay out of preservation, so we could all vote for anyone but them in November!



Maui lucky to have Kalepa

Congratulations to Archie Kalepa upon his induction into the Hawaii Waterman Hall of Fame sponsored by the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation. Archie is the first and only inductee from Maui, and he joins other prestigious watermen as Kahanamoku, Eddie Aikau, Buffalo and Brian Keaulana, and the list goes on with other well-known watermen.

His achievements are numerous. He was the first solo stand-up paddler to cross the Molokai Channel and the first to paddle down the Colorado River. He braved the huge waves of Hurricane Iniki to save people. He surfed a 70-foot wave at Jaws.

The County of Maui is fortunate to have Archie as head of the Maui Ocean Rescue and Safety Team. He is innovative, developing new safety equipment and rescue techniques using jet skis and water sleds. Archie and his lifeguards on Maui save lives and keep our beaches safe for your families and our visitors. The next time you step on a beach and see a lifeguard, thank him for watching over you. He was trained well by the best waterman on Maui.



Seek background information on candidates

I noticed countless letters to the editor in which the writer goes on a rant with incorrect information. This is really hurting our ability to see the issues clearly and get the right people into office.

I realize that many folks believe that politics will always be politics, but maybe it is time for a change. The solutions (or lack thereof) that our legislators are delivering to us are indicative of a system that is stressed and is stressing out the people of this country in the process. Reform will not happen unless voters undergo a much-needed overhaul themselves.

The need to evolve becomes evident at different junctures in history. We used to condone lynch mobs and human sacrifices. Although the thought of these outdated practices seems ludicrous in retrospect, if people hadn’t stood up for change, we would have continued on in the old ways.

Unless we begin to study the facts, study the platforms and history of the parties, learn to detect dishonest speech patterns and learn to decide for ourselves, the politicians are going to continue to take us for a ride.

When you hear someone address an issue, regardless of who they are, do your own fact checking. There are oodles of records and statistics readily available on the Internet.

We need to huddle together and drop the anger and finger pointing, taking a nonpartisan approach to problem solving in order to stop this fast track to nowhere.

ALANA KAY. Candidate for County Council, Kihei


Event will help Hana family

My name is Caroline Emmsley-de Jetley, and I need your help! We are trying to spread the word about a fundraiser to benefit my parents, Thomas and Carol Emmsley.

Last March in Hana, we had a really bad storm that caused a river to flow right through my parents’ home. It practically destroyed everything in the house. We are trying to raise money for them through a weekend retreat and art benefit at Travaasa Hotel Hana on Nov. 2-3, 2012.

The benefit includes a discounted room rate, with a portion of the rate going to the fundraiser.

Maui artist Jan Bushart will be conducting a painting workshop called “Painting in Heavenly Hana.” Bushart is the president and founder of Plein Air Painters of Hawaii.

Camera artist Randy Jay Braun will be conducting a half-day photo-walk and workshop called “Paradise Found with Your Digital Camera.”

Both workshops are free to guests staying at Travaasa for this event.

During the weekend, there will be a silent art auction. All of the artwork was donated through various artists, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to my parents.

I am asking as many people as I can to attend and spread the word. We need your support to make this a successful event.

The official website for the event is www.emmsley-fundraiser.org/.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (808) 248-4079 or by e-mail at dejetley@gmail.com.



Maui United Way touches lives

On Maui, one in two people will be touched by Maui United Way at some point in their lifetime, and over 64 percent of all Maui United Way funding serves clients under the Federal Poverty Level.

When you contribute to Maui United Way, you are helping support the work of 36 health and human service programs from vital agencies, including the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and Women Helping Women, to name just a few.

Maui United Way is part of United Way Worldwide, but we are a locally organized nonprofit celebrating 50 years of community service, and it’s important to remember that when you contribute to Maui United Way, 98 percent of your contribution stays on Maui, addressing needs right here in our community.

In addition, when you donate to Maui United Way, either directly or through a workplace giving campaign, you can even designate which of our United Way supported agencies you would like to receive the benefits of your contribution.

At Maui United Way, we extend our most sincere gratitude to the thousands of Maui individuals and businesses who have contributed time and money to Maui United Way. With your support, in 2011, Maui United Way touched the lives of over 75,000 people in need and provided hope for a better life.

We work to improve lives, motivate people to help others, increase resources to meet needs and inspire solutions to community problems. Our goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place.

Maui United Way’s funding of local Maui nonprofit organizations targets your contributions, with 30 percent going to education, 20 percent for income and programs targeting financial stability and 50 percent to improve people’s health.

This year, Maui United Way will continue our work to advance the common good by focusing on education, income and health. These are the building blocks for a good life – a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement and good health.

As members of a UNITED community, working together, we support our community by giving, advocating or volunteering at your favorite nonprofit.

At Maui United Way, we invite you to “LIVE UNITED,” and to be part of the solution by inquiring if your place of employment has a workplace campaign. Contact us to get one started at 244-8787.

I respectfully seek your support in continuing to sustain Maui United Way to serve as a powerful force for change in our community.

LIVE UNITED, and mahalo for your support.