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LETTERS for June 28 issue

By Staff | Jun 28, 2012

An update on an amazing young man

In early May of this year, Emmanuel Mbasha came to Maui on a cultural exchange program sponsored by a member of the Cheetah Alliance. His visit touched the lives of countless individuals, including the mayor, West Side Rotarians and the entire student body of Sacred Hearts School.

Emmanuel left and went back to his tiny village in Tanzania on a wildlife corridor in the district of Kilimanjaro a changed man. His village elders have chosen him for specific tasks that take courage and fortitude, yet offer little money. As soon as he returned, there was an old man in his village who had been bitten by a snake. The venom was slow-acting, but the man needed a procedure that was only available in India, and the man would have to travel by airplane. Since Emmanuel had his visa and was considered well-traveled in a village of no travel experience, he was chosen to accompany the old man to India.

Emmanuel wrote me to say he didn’t want to go, that he had just gotten a job with the tour company in the office and would likely lose it if he went. He was concerned that the other villagers would think less of him if he didn’t go. As always, I told him the decision was his to make – to not care what others may think, but to carefully weigh the experience that he would be missing if he didn’t go. The opportunity to experience another foreign country, to make contacts, to touch lives and to help an old man were rich and ripe with adventure. Although this excursion afforded him only a dollar a day for expenses, Emmanuel decided to go.

He wrote me nearly every day from the Internet caf. The old man had his operation, and the day he was to be discharged, a Brazilian woman came to the hospital with an injured baby that needed blood. The mother couldn’t give blood, so Emmanuel gave his blood to save this baby’s life. When they offered to pay him, he refused. He told me he remembered what I had taught him: to give his heart, and he will receive everything he needs.

When Emmanuel got back to his village, he was once again the hero. At 26 years old, he is a living legend. However, this didn’t stop the tour company from terminating him. Once again, he was forced to exist without money and wrote me to say he was going to Lake Manyara to seek employment in the curio shops there. I told him to go to Lake Manyara, but not to work in a curio shop. His destiny is to help the wildlife and teach the indigenous to coexist in harmony with them.

So he wrote a letter to And Beyond and has taken a job as a volunteer, knowing that he has no money for food or lodging, yet somehow will end up in some fabulous adventure, just because he has love in his heart and a desire to help the environment, the children and his people. I wanted to let the people of Lahaina know how amazing is this young man from Tanzania.



Couple appreciates kindness of strangers

Today, my husband and I parked our rental car at Kahekili Park to enjoy some time at the beach. Upon returning to our car, we discovered the keys were missing.

The couple that was just parking next to us offered the use of their cell phone, since ours was locked in the car. They waited so patiently as we tried to get help from both AAA and the rental car agency.

Just after the tow service arrived and unlocked the car, the beach security guard drove up to give us our keys. Someone else had found and turned them in to him.

As we heard so much about being careful not to leave valuables in the car, or cars being broken into, we feared the worst – but found everything just as we’d left it.

Thank you so much to whoever you are that turned in the keys, and also to the couple who spent at least a half-hour allowing us to use your phone.



Why is Mazie afraid to debate?

According to the Ed Case campaign, Mazie Hirono has repeatedly turned down opportunities to publicly debate him prior to the August election. She has agreed to only a handful of debates, and ones where the topics and formats are highly controlled. None of those are to be televised on the main TV channels.

Why do you suppose she declines these chances to show us the differences between she and Ed? Is she a terrible debater? Does she fear that it would cost her the election? Can she not properly support her stand on the issues that affect us all? Is she just stalling, figuring that the “good old boy/girl” network that she belongs to will give her the election?

Whatever the reason – unless I hear her debate on TV and she can convince me otherwise – I will be voting for Ed Case. We desperately need new faces and new ideas in Congress!



Tulsi Gabbard is committed to Maui

It is essential that we have a representative in Congress who is attuned to the needs of our residents. I was very impressed by Tulsi Gabbard in the recent Maui Congressional debate. I have also spoken with her at an event, and she told me that if she were elected to Congress, she would set up a local Maui website and a physical office to address island concerns. This shows me that she is committed to our island.

She has the dedication and commitment to be an effective member of Congress. She will bring the spirit of aloha to Washington.

On the other hand, if Tulsi Gabbard is not elected, then Mufi Hannemann will be, which will be a terrible disservice to the people of Maui. He did not even bother to show up for the debate.

SUE EVANS, Wailuku


Big mahalos from Lahainaluna wrestling

On behalf of all the coaches and wrestlers, the Lahaina Wrestling Club would like to thank all of the businesses and merchants that made monetary and gift donations to our Leilani’s Dinner and a Movie and silent auction fundraiser held on June 8.

We would also like to thank the entire community and wrestling ‘ohana for supporting the wrestlers on their two-week Mainland wrestling camps in Washington and Colorado.

Special mahalos to Leilani’s on the Beach for providing the pasta dinner and to all of these individuals and businesses: Air Maui Helicopters, Aunty Gloria, Basil Tomatoes, Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, Candice and Mike Tihada, Captain Jacks, Cool Cat Cafe, Dunes at Maui Lani, Fuzzy Sr., Gazebo, Hard Rock Cafe, Hawaiian Village Coffee, Hi-Tech Surf, Hula Grill, Hyatt Luau, I’o, Japengo, Jeri Dean, Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Kahana Family Dental Center, Kahoma Ranch ATV, Kimo’s, Liklahaina, Liza and Nathan Williams, Lorry Balagso, Lulu’s, Maui Jims, Maui Muddlers.com, Mid Pacific Tattoo, Old Lahaina Luau, Pacific’o, Pineapple Grill, Ritz-Carlton, Royal Lahaina Resort, Roy’s, Sheldon Tateyama, Star Noodle, Trilogy, and Zensations Spa.

TODD HAYASE, Lahaina Wrestling Club


Things children say

A few days ago, my 11-year-old daughter asked me, “Dad, what do you know about Israelites?” I answered not a lot – I haven’t studied much of the Old Testament.

My daughter replied, “Well, Dad, they probably aren’t as good as LEDs.”

CHAYNE MARTEN, Maui Green Team