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LETTERS for June 10 issue

By Staff | Jun 10, 2010


There is concern that when the mid-section of the Lahaina Bypass now being constructed is opened and empties into Keawe Street, it will be more of a “Lahaina Dump In” than a “Lahaina Bypass.” Perhaps the plan was made prior to the existence of the Gateway and Emerald commercial areas, but the Keawe/Honoapiilani Highway intersection is already a mess, and in spite of a planned dedicated left turn signal, it will be an even bigger mess when the bypass empties into Keawe.

The traffic on Keawe is sure to become even more clogged when the next section of the bypass, the southern section, is constructed and opened, because much incoming traffic to Lahaina will come in over the bypass and empty into Keawe.

In vascular surgery, we never plan a bypass around a block in an artery unless there is good runoff for the flow out — otherwise it will just clog up. The northern section of the bypass, which could relieve the situation, is not planned until 2016 at the soonest. Clearly, the next section constructed should be the northern section for runoff, and ideally the bypass should not be opened until it is complete with unimpeded runoff north and south.

Furthermore, the Lahaina Bypass should simply bypass Lahaina, as the name implies, and run from Puamana (south of Lahaina) to the exit of the northern section above Lahaina. The planned extension south to Launiupoko is not “bypassing Lahaina.”

The landowners and developers all along have been pushing for the southern portion of the “Lahaina Bypass” to extend to Launiupoko, and be far mauka to the shoreline highway, so as to make possible their development along the shoreline. This would take away this beautiful and world-famous shoreline drive from the public forever, and it would be built up like it is from Lahaina to Kapalua, whereas now visitors and locals alike can stop anywhere along the shoreline to beach, fish, surf, paint or hang out.

The county has neither the funds for construction or maintenance of a promised park along the shoreline, and “beach access” is always limited through developments. The excuse of shoreline erosion involved less than 10 percent of the roadway, and much has already been fixed with elbowing in as we suggested and by other means. The additional highway into Lahaina could be placed parallel to the existing shoreline highway.

At a recent meeting of the Department of Transportation in Lahaina on May 26, Director, Brennon Morioka said he was still open to suggestions we should suggest. Contact Morioka at (808) 587-6355, (808) 587-1787 (fax) or hwy.stip.projects@hawaii.gov.



This letter is in regard to Mufi Hannemann’s announcement to run for governor. I have two suggestions for his campaign.

The first is not to vote for him, because he was elected as mayor, and if he can’t finish his job as mayor, then why should anyone think that he would be successful as a governor? Does he just want to get away from all his messes in Honolulu?

The other suggestion is that if he wants to be a great political figure, then he should donate his campaign funds to the city of Honolulu to use for important things and finish his job that he was elected to do.

Why should anyone believe that he would be a good governor when he won’t finish the job that he started as mayor?



Are horses abused on Maui? Although I am very concerned about animal welfare, I never considered it until a few months ago. My education began when I saw two horses in a field that had no shelter, not even a tree, and was advised this situation had been ongoing for months. After researching the County Code — which clearly states shelter from weather is required, as well as food and water — I reported it to Animal Control at Maui Humane Society, only to be told they were aware for a few months. So why are they still suffering daily?

I visited the site a few more times, occasionally finding a bone dry water trough, which was occasionally filled by volunteers who were aware of the problem. I reported this, too, but nothing happened. The horses remained there unsheltered, often with no water, in a field of useless growth known as sour grass, which is inedible.

I began some research on the overall situation and have been advised this example was manini — that much worse happens all the time, and little is done to change it. Doesn’t the county fund the Humane Society to care for neglected and abused animals? Are other cases of neglected and abused horses reported with no action taken? Are you aware of this happening on Maui?

I am working through our County Council and the Department of Housing and Human Concerns (which in spite of its name, is charged with animal welfare as well) to address this problem, and would ask if you are aware of any situations of abuse or neglect, you do the same. Or if you don’t want to do that, call me — I’m in the book. I refuse to believe that people on Maui do not care about animal abuse.



I would like to ask the public for your help solving a problem. The problem is we have families living on our beaches, parks, and out of their cars.

Every day, the Water Department locks someone’s meter. Every day, MECO locks someone’s electrical box. And every day, children here on Maui go hungry. Seniors pray their Social Security check can stretch the month (many seniors will go without food in order to pay for their meds). Single moms wonder how they are going to pay the bills.

We can turn the tide. Prayer works — God is our strength. He sees it all.

I ask those of you who have been financially blessed to please reach out to someone in need and help them. Those loving acts done in secrecy are the ones with the greatest rewards.

CHAYNE MARTEN, The Maui Green Team


Already overburdened American farmers now have a new challenge: the development of weeds resistant to glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup.

Twenty years ago, Monsanto promised that its genetically engineered Roundup Ready crops and glyphosate would usher in a new era of less toxic, labor-saving weed control. But now farmers in many parts of the country are reporting resistant weeds that require additional time, money and labor to control. And many are reluctantly returning to older, more toxic herbicides.

In 1990, I co-authored “Biotechnology’s Bitter Harvest,” a report warning that resistant weeds were certain to emerge if farmers widely adopted Roundup Ready crops, which is exactly what has happened.

As an alternative, our report advocated modern sustainable agriculture. This involves rotating a diverse set of crops to discourage weeds and other pests, planting cover crops to control weeds, and tilling the soil judiciously to reduce the need for chemicals and prevent erosion.

Two decades later, with superweeds a growing problem, research and policy incentives to help farmers implement such solutions are needed more than ever.

JANE RISSLER, Food and Environment Program, Union of Concerned Scientists