Does your business need help?
Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) on Wednesday, Nov. 10, will present a free online webinar exploring the funding opportunities still available to small businesses in Maui County navigating their pathway to recovery.
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According to MEDB, COVID-19’s impact has changed how most small businesses operate.
Wednesday’s webinar is part of the COVID-19 Business Assistance Series, designed for business owners to access valuable information on the resources provided because of COVID-19.
“With many grants, loans and support available to small businesses, it can be challenging to know which is the right one to apply for,” said Frank De Rego Jr. of MEDB. “Moreover, it is important to know whether applying for one will potentially conflict with receiving another grant or source of funds.”
The discussion will be led by Gary Albitz, business consultant with MEDB, who has been assisting many businesses one-on-one through the past year.
Wayne Wong, director of the Hawaii Small Business Development Center, will share details and answer questions on the new round of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program aimed to help small businesses overcome the effects of the pandemic by providing working capital to meet operating expenses.
David Daly, director of business development for Maui Economic Opportunity, will speak on MEO’s Maui Micro-Agriculture Grants for operating farms in Maui County.
“MEDB’s Business Assistance program has helped Maui’s small business community rebuild with resilience in mind,” added De Rego. Jr. “Collaboration with the other business support programs within the county, like SBDC and MEO, help us to provide the most relevant and actionable information on available resources.”
The webinar discussion will include time for questions.
Registration is free, and a recording will be made available to those who register in case they are unable to attend the live meeting.
MEDB noted that more topics will be explored “to adapt to the changing landscape as we pull together to meet the challenges facing all of us.”