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Voice your ideas on affordable housing

By Staff | Jan 22, 2021

The County Council seeks community feedback on one of Maui County’s biggest issues: solutions for affordable housing.

Input will help shape recommendations for a comprehensive affordable housing plan for review and approval by the council and guide the building of 5,000 affordable homes over the next five years.

According to Hawaiian Community Assets (HCA), a local nonprofit contracted by the Office of Council Services to guide the community engagement process, “The ultimate goal is to create affordable homes for our local people. And, help get our local people into these homes through financial counseling and planning.”

HCA is holding free housing policy and housing development webinars and encouraging Maui, Molokai and Lanai residents to participate in the process.

With all sessions set for 6 p.m., the West Maui webinars will be held on Jan. 26 and Feb. 23. The remaining schedule also includes Molokai on Feb. 2, Paia/Haiku on Feb. 9 and Kihei/Makena on Feb. 16.

Sign up for the webinars at MauiHousingPlan.org.

My view is that the only truly affordable model is provided by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, offering 99-year leases for $1 per year for lots and homes at $200,000 to $300,000.

The county and state may need to partner with developers on projects to lower the costs.