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Support the Computers for Kids Project

By Staff | Jul 2, 2020

Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary is a Title I School, and many students do not have access to a computer in their homes.

This could be a problem if there is a future shutdown due to COVID-19, or parents want their children to learn from home.

The Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset aims to address the issue through its new Computers for Kids Project.

Rotarians recently launched the campaign with the goal of providing 90 refurbished computers for these families.

Have an old laptop, desktop or tablet computer? Pack it in a brown paper bag and bring it to Moku Roots Restaurant in Lahaina Gateway Center between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. any day of the week.

The computers will be wiped clean, sanitized and updated for the students by George Gordon, the Lahaina News’ own “Computer Guru.”

“We are very sure that our Maui community members will rise to this challenge of donating 90 devices for these families by July 31st,” said Joanne Laird, past president and coordinator of this project.

The Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset Foundation holds a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. A form will be available upon drop-off, so that the person making the donation can receive a mahalo letter for tax purposes.

“Please consider donating your ‘vintage’ devices to support this program to get the needed technology into the hands of these families,” Laird noted.

For more information, contact Laird at mamalrd01@gmail.com or (808) 757-0981.