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Help Coral Reef Alliance protect West Maui’s reefs

By Staff | May 28, 2020

Want to make a positive impact on the health of our reefs? You can do it home!

The Coral Reef Alliance is launching a project in which volunteers can get their hands dirty, learn about native dryland forest plants and help grow the keiki plants that CORAL will use to restore degraded lands.

“To stay connected to our community, save money (which is important now more than ever) and work towards a healthier Maui, we are preparing to grow native plants from seeds so we can then out-plant at CORAL’s newest West Maui restoration site,” explained Maui Program Coordinator Larissa Treese.

There are three options for volunteers.

CORAL provides seeds, and you donate the pots, soil and tray.

You donate the soil, and CORAL provides the seeds, pots and tray.

Or, CORAL provides the seeds, pots, tray and soil.

Each kit will contain supplies needed to grow around 50 native plants. If you have the time and motivation, CORAL can provide multiple kits.

Once logistics are set, CORAL will create training videos for volunteers and send the supplies.

In West Maui, CORAL’s work focuses on restoring natural filtration processes within watersheds to prevent land-based water pollution from degrading reefs.

For more information, contact Treese at ltreese@coral.org. If you are interested in donating funding to this worthy project, visit coral.org/.