Get involved in county government
Want to play an important role in Maui County without the expense and nonsense of running for office?
Applicants are sought for 42 vacancies on Maui County boards, commissions, councils and committees. The application deadline is Nov. 15, 2019.
There are openings on the Maui County Cultural Resources Commission, Board of Ethics, Council on Aging, Fire and Public Safety Commission, Liquor Control Commission, Maui Planning Commission, Real Property Tax Review Board and many other panels.
Submissions are kept on file for at least two years, and applicants are then considered for nomination when there are openings for positions well-suited for their experience and interests. Openings occur when there are term expirations, vacancies and resignations on boards, commissions and committees.
Responsibilities include hearing public testimony and reviewing policies and standards. Panel members make recommendations and decisions that impact Maui County.
Positions are appointed by the mayor, confirmed by the Maui County Council and have terms lasting two to five years. While no monetary compensation is provided for serving on a board or commission, the public’s participation helps provide an important government service. Volunteers are reimbursed for allowable travel expenses.
Anyone interested in serving on a board or commission should first apply online at Paper applications are also available in West Maui at the Parks and Recreation Permit Office in Lahaina. For more information, call 270-8211.
What insight or talents could you bring to Maui County?