Give the gift of sight to needy people around the world
Someone in a developing country would cherish what you may have stowed away in a drawer and never plan to use again.
It’s your glasses from a couple prescriptions ago or an old hearing aid.
Lions Clubs on Maui and around Hawaii are preparing for the tenth annual “Lions in Sight” Statewide Eyeglass & Hearing Aid Collection on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Maui collection sites are Lahaina Cannery Mall in front of Longs Drugs and Walmart in Kahului.
Hawaii Lions encourage residents to look through dresser drawers and closets for used eyeglasses and hearing aids, then donate them to the Lions Recycle For Sight program.
The glasses will be distributed to those in need within developing countries, where eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible.
According to Lions, in most developing countries, an eye exam can cost as much as one month’s wages, and a single eye doctor may serve a community of hundreds of thousands of people.
The glasses will be cleaned, categorized by prescription and prepared for distribution by Lions, Leos and other groups.
The hearing aids will be collected, cleaned and tested for local distribution.
Lions are known for their commitment to being “Knights of the Blind in the Crusade against Darkness,” a challenging statement made by Helen Keller in 1925.
Eyeglass collection is a year-round program. Visit for information.
According to the World Health Organization, the eyesight of approximately one-fourth of the world’s population can be improved through the use of a corrective lens. Please donate your unused glasses to people who truly need them.