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Comment on West Maui’s water issues

By Staff | Nov 3, 2016

When it comes to water in West Maui, what are the key issues and potential solutions?

How to manage water resources held by former agricultural operations and preventing runoff, halting the use of injection wells and promoting the use of treated wastewater for irrigation are three that quickly come to mind.

The county Department of Water Supply reported that it is researching alternative ways to meet the future water needs of the public trust and other local uses in West Maui given increased growth, climatic changes and potential decreased water supplies while managing resources in a sustainable way.

Residents interested in water issues are encouraged to take a survey (go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZYDCKFK) of preliminary strategies that is designed to gauge public acceptance of, and gain feedback on, generalized policies or measures that could be integrated into the Maui Island Water Use and Development Plan (WUDP) to address water issues.

Next, the department seeks public input on solutions to key issues for the WUDP at the third round of community workshops scheduled throughout Maui. The West Side session will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 28, at the Kaunoa West Maui Senior Center at 788 Pauoa St. in Lahaina.

Drafted several years ago, the plan is being revised to include all water users and systems on Maui and to focus more attention on ground, surface and alternative water resources. The meeting will also explain the remainder of the public process.

Materials for review will be placed online a week prior to each meeting at www.mauiwater.org. Check out the county’s website at www.mauiwater.org for more information.