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Vote online to help Napili Community Garden grow

By Staff | Apr 7, 2016

Lahainaluna High School arts and communications teacher Nancy Young grasps the importance and value of grants.

She has landed some significant grants for LHS, including funds to have a noted artist craft a statue on campus; create an intellectually stimulating, innovative, high-tech environment in her classroom; and purchase iPads, so students could create their own art history webpages.

Grant Guru Young e-mailed the Lahaina News last week with a request: “Please help Napili Community Garden win a grant. Vote for our grant request at www.seedsofchangegrant.com/TheGallery.aspx and post this to your Facebook and/or send it to your contacts. You and your friends can vote one time each day until mid-April. On the Seeds of Change webpage in the search column, type in: lahaina hawaii. If you have students, ask them; let them go on their phones to vote for our garden.

“We are doubling our garden from 3.5 to 7 acres and need funds to convert the land and to build a simple covered structure where we can begin to fulfill our educational goals of teaching and sharing organic sustainable food growing and eating,” she noted.

Young explained that there are 121 individual plots in production at the Napili garden, supplying their renters with a vast array of organic food.

The gardeners harvest for the Maui Food Bank twice a month and also donate food to Feed My Sheep. In March, they harvested 2,000 pounds of fresh, organic produce to donate to these two vital charities.

Young explained that she started working a plot last October. “I’m hooked,” she added.

“Please help us grow.”