Scott Soldwisch is the Lahaina News’ Sportsman of the Year
It is truly one of the country’s toughest jobs. The thankless position of a high school athletic director receives little recognition and plenty of flak in return for organizational leadership of sports programs at the interscholastic level.
In the case of Lahainaluna High School Athletic Director Scott Soldwisch, we are going to change all that. For his tireless efforts over the last 25 years as a coach, teacher and athletic director at Lahainaluna, we honor him as the 2016 Lahaina News Sportsman of the Year.
Soldwisch, married with two kids and a grandchild, came to Maui in 1991 with a degree from Westmont College and a Masters from Villanova.
He began his educational career at Lahainaluna in 1991 as a history teacher and baseball coach, moved into the A.D. position at Lahainaluna and then transferred to Maui High for two years. Coach Scott returned to the West Side in 2008, and the rest is a sterling history of success.
Over his tenure as athletic director, Lahainaluna has gained sports recognition on Maui, throughout the state and further to the Mainland, as the quality and consistency of student athletes’ performances shined on the highest levels.
The Maui Interscholastic League championship trophies abound in the office showcases on campus along with several state championship awards. Indeed, the Red Tide at football, basketball and wrestling championship competitions – to name a few – is a scary sight for Luna opponents. And, Soldwisch is the organizational force behind all of them. Perhaps most of all, his effort paves the way for our kids to find a way to attend college through sports and gain the precious resource of an advanced education.
The high school A.D. is responsible for roster qualifications for all student athletes, including academic, and Department of Education standards. They are responsible for safety, equipment and facility standards, as well as scheduling and transportation issues.
Scott Soldwisch did it all, and not only at a passable level – it has been a championship drive for the ages.
Congratulations and mahalo, Coach Scott! It is a pleasure to honor you as the 2016 Lahaina News Sportsman of the Year, and to present you with a custom plaque crafted by Maui Marking Device and gift certificates courtesy of TS Restaurants of Hawaii to dine at Kimo’s, Leilani’s on the Beach, Duke’s Beach House, and Hula Grill.
Way to go, Coach Scott!