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Comment on important water resource issues

By Staff | Mar 5, 2015

Runoff, injection wells and management of water resources have been long-standing issues in West Maui.

In the interest of protecting and sustaining ground and surface water resources, watersheds and natural stream environments statewide, the Commission on Water Resource Management is currently updating its Water Resource Protection Plan.

Residents are welcome to learn about the process and provide input at a workshop on Thursday, March 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Wailuku Community Center.

Commissioners seek the Maui community’s input on water resource issues of importance.

The purpose of the Water Resource Protection Plan is to establish policies and identify actions needed to ensure the long-term protection and sustainability of Hawaii’s precious and limited ground and surface water resources.

Thursday’s meeting will include a short slideshow about the plan, followed by smaller group discussions to talk in more detail about specific water resource issues on Maui.

For more information, visit dlnr.hawaii.gov/cwrm/planning/hiwaterplan/wrpp/wrpp2014/, or contact Jeremy Kimura at the Commission on Water Resource Management at (808) 587-0269 or Jeremy.l.kimura@hawaii.gov.

Help the commission protect the waters of Maui and ensure healthy resources for future generations.